Introduction of family trailers in Honduras increases record number in 2020

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

The continuous meals are the sustainability of miles of Honduran families, en af ​​2020 no fue la exception.

After the first semester’s prognosis, if an abrupt change is expected, a week before the previous year, the record number of 5,595.5 million will be finalized. of dollars (L135,411 million).

The Banco Central de Honduras (BCH) informs a 22-day travel summary of the main entry of the divisas al país fueron la remesas familiares, que representaron casi el 50% (47.4%) total of ingresos and registraron un alza de 229 millones of dollars in respect of the 5,366.5 million dollars increased to the fiche in 2019.

In percentage figures, the inter-annual increase of 4.3%.

In 2019, the increase of 13% was reduced, reaching 5,400 million, which many experts consider to be the global pandemic and the global economic crisis that will hit many mayors in 2020.

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However, international organisms have predicted a fallout rate of up to 20% in the spring of Honduras. According to the Social Forum of the External and Development Debate in Honduras (Fosdeh), the product of which in the countries of the world is being sent the most recent repairs and economic activities in Caesarea, due to some restrictions, by which that would be easier to generate aggression for Honduran migrants.

The main countries of donation provide family meals in the majority of the United States with an representation of 80%.

In second place Spain with 8%, Costa Rica with 2%, Mexico with 1.6% and other countries is 8.2%.

Digits of the Permanent Survey of Hogares of the National Institute of Statistics (INE) reveals that the family rewards sustained around 190,000 Honduran hogs and constituted the third source of the 2.2 million hogs, surpassing only the salaries and allowances for own property.

Claudio Salgado, economist, said that the inversion of foreign countries is diminishing and therefore the country of dependence depends on the money that migrates.

The Integral System of Attention to the Migrant Retornado Report – which by 2020 was deported to 21,879 dogs, in its majority adult males.
