Intimacy in the couple and depressive symptoms, how is it related? – Salud y Bienestar

When we think about emotional well-being, the quality of human relationships that we maintain as our mental health are important and interconnected. Pero, Como is it related? To respond to this question, investigators analyzed the data retrieved between 1994 and 2006 from 654 couples who participated in the Study of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development on the Temprano Childhood and Youth Development. Participants are informed about their depressive scintillation and level of intimacy in their relationship to the wide range of temporal points.
The author of the study signaled that his halls were saying that “for women, the mayor’s quality of the relationship is associated with futures reductions in depressive symptoms and better mental health conditions. For men, it is reviewed: Depressive syndromes predict future discharges in the quality of the relationship ”(Yan et al., 2020).
In other words, the women who stumble upon disagreements with statements such as “my wife / couple are listening to me when I need to have someone to talk to” inform me of the highest levels of depressive symptoms in the future temporarily. Men with higher levels of depressive symptoms at any given time, by other means, would be more inclined to agree with statements such as “I have seen them for weeks by my spouse / partner,” in the following point in time.
“We also discover that the perceptions of the couples regarding the intimacy of the relationship are interrelated, in the manner that a mayor intimates in the relationship of the couple perpetrated by a partner predates the higher ratings of the relationship,.
The study controls the demographic characteristics such as the oath and the socio-economic status. Between its limitations, the authors signal that, in order to understand the bidirectional relationships in the wide space between the quality of the relationship and mental health, this investigation is only studied in pairs that are carried out during the longest period, during the period that study. For this reason, it is not possible to say whether the hallucinations represent couples who pass by ruptures or divorces.
Bibliographic reference: Yan, JJ, Schoppe? Sullivan, SJ, & Feng, X. (2020). Transactional associations between intimate couple relationships and depressive symptoms over ten years. And Magazine for Marriage and Family. Source: Psypost
