Interview | La Fe’s intensive care medical clinic: “La Mayoría se contagio en familes brotes en Navidad”

VALÈNCIA. (EFE) The clinical medicine of the Intensive Care Hospital La Fe de Valencia, Ricardo Gimeno, has announced this March that in recent weeks the situation in the UCI “has been disembarked” and the Mayors’ correspondence corresponds to patients who have been involved in family crimes during Christmas.

“Estaban calmly announced the day of Christmas at Nochebuena at home and now many of the tenemos intubados and boca abajo”, said Gimeno in statements to EFE-TV, and considered that the vacuna “is not the panacea”, sino that “with this you will assume the responsibility of all”.

Disembarked situation

According to Gimeno, in recent weeks the situation “has been disembarked”, the levels of occupation “are very high”, has the UCI “llena” and the post-anesthetic resuscitation area “practically llena”, which has expanded its assistance of patients not covid to other units.

In most small hospitals “I am aware that including the situation is peor” and some are “on the brink of collapse”, with occupations of more than 100% being held in the rooms that are equipped and with chiropractic patients, “which no is ideal for attenderlos “, afirma.

“We are at a very high level of occupation and logically being preoccupied, because at the moment we are dealing with a recent trend and we will not see the end of this subject”, affirms the intensivist.

Gimeno explained that during the last weeks, in that he had a “straight line, a ramp”, he used to have space for intending to attend to the patients and restructure the working groups so that everyone would be happy to work together. to these patients.

It also ensures that there are “many hospital stays, at all levels, such as emergency room attendants who have an incredible number of patients in hospital wards, both cov as well as cov”.

According to Gimeno, in La Fe the levels of occupation “are very high” even though it is a very large hospital it is collaborating with other specialties such as anaesthesiology, neurology or internal medicine and has been able to screen more patients and not to be missed. .

Serious patients less than 20 years old

According to Gimeno, “there are a lot of bullies in this affair: it’s because it’s an abomination of people and people with many prevalent pathologies is false, it is not. It’s a lottery, and although it can happen very badly”.

Although there are many seniors in the hospital, in UCI “we have their median edad patients, around 55 media years, many patients between 60 and 70 years old and also with less than 40 years old, and some very serious about debating them 20 years included “.

According to EFE-TV, “the majority of nurses we have, about all that he has contact with in Navidad, he is on the brink of extinction in families. These patients are known to know the day of Navidad or Nochebuena at home and there are many ellos los tenemos intubados y boca abajo “.

Citizenship responsibility

Gimeno appeals to the “responsibility” of the citizen: “I believe that no politician or any administration will fail us, we will take care of them; we will take care that we take care of our own health benefits”.

“In the end, what we have to take care of, what we have to take care of our own health, we will do it and if it does, Iran’s quizzes will do us much better than all the media, quizzes, no tendrines that are as drastic as the which is currently being “, assured.

In its juicie, the restrictive media outlets “are quite long” but consider that what they do are “auto-impose the restrictions on us, we do not want to get rid of them”.

And the doctors “we have what we create, we know how to transmit the message that we have, from which at the moment we have problems to wait for the whole population”, he advised.

“Nowadays, by grace, we are all paying for the price of Navidad, but we have a tremendous spread of viruses and in intensive care we are growing patients who are contagious.” This moment passed, signaled, that the curve would be evolved.

Personal agotado

In its juice, the sanitary staff “was agotado”. “We are very vocal, we like a lot of our work through its many months of battle and, apart from the song, we have a good relationship”, he says.

“When it’s all this time, it’s a stress like this and with patients who are serious about the possibility of having contact between the sanitary staff, as it’s happening”, signal to add that it is the company that is working “that duplicates sus fuerzas para suplir al resto “.

Consider that one of the things that is happening during the first year of the pandemic is the need for a very important supply of respirators and technological equipment that is missing. “Always say that every diner who is a guest at this dinner is well received”, valora.

However, it is also important that there are trained and capable personnel to use this material: “The problem is that we are trying to keep people in the health care system and the people who are in the field of canning have multiplied their efforts”, said.
