Interstellar object ‘Oumuamua may be a fragment of a Pluto-like planet

Scientists scrambled to observe the object before it disappeared, and they moved 196,000 miles per hour, and their observations caused more questions than answers about the ‘strange ball’, as scientists call it.

The latest research suggests that it is a fragment of a Pluto-like planet from another solar system.

Steven Desch and Alan Jackson, two astrophysicists at Arizona State University’s School of Earth and Space Exploration, studied observations of the unusual features of ‘Oumuamua’. Their findings were published Tuesday in two studies in the American Geophysical Union Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.

After the discovery, the object was named “Oumuamua, Hawaiian” as “a messenger reaching out to the distant past.” Initially, astronomers expected it to be a comet.

This is because comets can be thrown out of their host system by gravitational perturbations, and they are also very visible. The second interstellar object discovered in our solar system was an interstellar comet, 2I / Borisov, observed in 2019.
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But the dry, rocky reddish, elongated cigar-shaped object, thick as a three-story building and half the length of an urban block, had no comet tail, and its tumbling motion could not be explained. And there has been debate over whether it is an interstellar asteroid or a comet.

And of course there were speculations that ‘Oumuamua was a kind of strange sin.

“In many ways, Oumuamua looked like a comet, but in many ways it was strange enough that the secret surrounded its nature, and speculation was rife about what it was,” said Desch, who is also a professor at ASU. was, said in a statement.

Clues of the rocket effect

‘Oumuamua differed from comets in several ways, including the fact that it had a slower velocity when it entered our solar system. If it had traveled more than a billion years as a comet across interstellar space, it would have had a higher velocity.

Its shape was flat like a pancake, unlike comets like cosmic snowballs. The object also received quite a boost, known as the ‘rocket effect’, greater than what comets experience when their ice evaporates when they encounter the sun.

The researchers asked them if ‘Oumuamua’s consisted of ices with different compositions, which enabled them to calculate how fast the ices would change to gas if the object zipped through the sun. It also enabled Desch and Jackson to determine the mass, shape and rocket effect and to determine how reflective the ice is.

“We realized that a piece of ice would be much more reflective than humans assume, which means it could be smaller. The same rocket effect would give ‘Oumuamua a greater pressure, greater than comets usually experience,'” Desch said.

How 'Oumuamua, the first interstellar visitor to our solar system, formed
Previous research has suggested that condensed water helps drive the object. In their study, Desch and Jackson found that solid nitrogen best suited the movement of ‘Oumuamua. The object was also shiny, with the same reflection as other known bodies made of nitrogen ice.

In our solar system, Pluto and Saturn’s moon Titan is mostly covered with nitrogen ice. If the object consists largely of nitrogen ice, it is possible that a solid part of it was removed from a Pluto-like planet after it was hit in another planetary system.

The same thing happened in our own solar system, including Pluto and objects in the icy Kuiper belt. These distant belt objects at the edge of our solar system once had more mass than now.

Scientists first look at the comet from outside our solar system

When Neptune migrated to the outer solar system billions of years ago, it disrupted the orbits of these objects left over from the formation of the solar system. Thousands of objects similar to Pluto, covered with nitrogen ice, collided with each other.

If it could occur in our own solar system, it is likely that the same event could happen in another solar system, which means ” Oumuamua may have been the first monster of an exoplanet born around another star to be brought to Earth. ‘, write the authors in the study.

This image shows the trajectory of the object.

“It was probably knocked off the surface by an impact about half a billion years ago and thrown out of its parent system,” Jackson, also a research scientist and an exploration fellow at ASU, said.

“Being frozen nitrogen also explains the unusual shape of ‘Oumuamua. As the outer layers of nitrogen ice evaporated, the shape of the body would gradually become more flattened, just like a bar of soap when the outer layers are rubbed off. use. “

The researchers estimate that ‘Oumuamua’s encounter with our sun caused it to lose 95% of its mass.

Alien speculation

Theories that ‘Oumuamua’s an alien object or piece of technology have spread since the object appeared, and this is the basis for the new book’ Extraterrestrial: The First Sign of Intelligent Life Beyond Earth ‘by Avi Loeb, a professor in science at Harvard University.

There is no evidence to prove that ‘Oumuamua’ is an alien technology, the researchers said for this study, although it is natural that the first observed object from outside our solar system will bring aliens to mind.

“But it’s important in science not to come to conclusions,” Desch said. “It took two or three years to figure out a natural explanation – a piece of nitrogen ice – that matches everything we know about ‘Oumuamua. It’s not that long in science, and far too soon to to say that we have exhausted all natural explanations. ‘

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However, Oumuamua was a unique way for scientists to study an object from outside our solar system. Understanding more about ‘Oumuamua, which disappeared from view in December 2017, may shed more light on the formation and composition of other planetary systems.

“Until now, we had no way of knowing if other solar systems had Pluto-like planets, but now we have seen a part of the earth pass by,” Desch said.

Future telescopes, such as the Vera Rubin Observatory in Chile, will regularly examine the airspace visible from the Southern Hemisphere and thus our ability to spot more interstellar objects penetrating our solar system. The observatory will be operational from 2022.

“It is hoped that in a decade or so we will be able to obtain statistics on what types of objects pass through the solar system, and whether nitrogen particles are scarce or as common as we have calculated,” Jackson said. “Either way, we need to be able to learn a lot about other solar systems and whether they have undergone the same collision history as ours.”
