International travelers: requisites for entry and exit to Colombia 2021 – Government – Politics

In pursuance of Resolution 532 of 31 December 2020, the Ministry of Health announced that new PCR tests would be carried out negatively on all international travelers.

(Puede leather: This is the new tariff for Colombian passports in 2021)

What is needed to enter Colombia?

Debe will perform the PCR test with negative result expedited with a maximum of 96 hours of anticipation to the bird, sea Colombian or extraterrestrial. In addition, beforehand you should report your health status in the Check-Mig application. (You can click here to fill out the form)

When will the PCR test be presented?

Resolution 0002 of 2021 places a plaza, commemorating the end of the PCR trial in Colombia from the 12th of January of 2021.

(Lea also: The lands that the facilities for the Colombians to live on)

Do the kids have to do the test?

Sí. All travelers, without any distinction, must perform the test, from those years ago.

What happens if you have some coronavirus symptoms?

People with respiratory symptoms or fever should not touch the aircraft.

What can I do if I can do the PCR test?

Following Resolution 002, it should allow the travel embargo that in the country of origin does not present the negative result of the PCR test, only when manifesting that two difficulties for tomársela or for obtaining the result in the term stipulated for the vuelo. In these cases it is the information to the traveler that one must enter the country to carry out the PCR test and guard against preventive Islam during cataracts. The Islamist must understand the results if the result of the PCR test is negative. It can also be extended by epidemiological criteria.

The travelers must verbally express that they must have difficulties in order to obtain the test or to obtain the result in the term given before the flight; for these effects will be sufficient the verbal manifestation of the passenger, the cual will extend hecha haha ​​the pregnancy of juramento.

The value of the PCR test and the derivative costs of the preventive Islam will be borne by the passenger. The Secretariat of Health of the December landing and / or destination will be asked to verify that the traveler guards the preventive Islam.

Do you have any roots in the country?

Sí. The following will be the burden of the municipal or district health secretaries, as well as the EPS, and Colombian Migration will continue to send to these dependents the list of travelers who enter daily.

He must report to the EAPB or the Secretariat de Salud Municipal or the district of his permanent residence or airline and during the 14 posterior days to his journey presenting associated associations with covid-19 and following the medias indicated.

What does it take to sell Colombia?

Debe will fill out the form of the Check-Mig application. It should also be filled with the requirements that establish the destination country.

(In context: Map: the countries and those that can travel Colombians without restriction)

¿Los niños deben usar tapabocas durante el vuelo?

Yes, the use of tapabocas is mandatory for all persons from the two years of age, as well as the airport installations as well as the aeronaut during all the trayecto. This need to cover the narcissist hasta mention and should avoid withdrawal.

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