Intensive care vestig pains to help control the bacteria in the UCI

Intensive care vestig pains to help control the bacteria in the UCI

The New Structure And Technological Equipment Of The New Uci Of The Clinical Hospital Of Málaga Facilitate The Recovery Of The Injured Patients – JUNTA DE ANDALUCÍA

MADRID, 15 February (EUROPE PRESS) –

The Zero Bacteria Project Zero of the Spanish Society of Intensive Care, Criticism and Coronary Medicine Units (SEMICYUC) established in 2009 a protocol that will allow the bag of related bacteria to be catheterized in the UCI of our country by debating 2 episodes by c . However, as can be seen in the figures from the ENVIN 2020 Registry, the first issue of COVID-19 covers the first 10.2 episodes per 1000 days. The need to check these numbers, including coronavirus times, meets in a monographic seminar and different experts last week, with the collaboration of 3M.

“In 2021, we will be able to deliver the possible antidotes to the good numbers of infection control relationships related to sanitary assistance that we are facing in the face of the pandemic,” said SEMICYUC President Ricard Ferrer, host of a virtual way seminar a casi 1,000 sanitarios live.

Dr. Francisco Álvarez, Intensive Care Unit at the Hospital del Mar (Barcelona), explains the national situation with bacteria related to catheters. The ENVIN Registry demonstrates that one third of patients admitted to UCI during the first year of COVID-19 presents one of the most related infections with invasive device, since they are motivated to treat 18 per cent of total cases.

“The new sanitary personnel contracted, as well as the staff of other specialties that support the assistance at the UCI, are not adapted or familiarized with infection prevention protocols. In addition, the assistance rhythm does not allow them to read or read.” At the same time, it was difficult to implement in the UCI extensions “, he explained.

The Spanish figures, as the doctor concluded in his sentence, were published in the dates he studied in Italy and Greece. In these countries, as in ours, the late bacteriums predominate, so to speak, which are produced as part of the second week of relationships with the maintenance of catheters.

The Zero Bacteria Project, as recorded by Dr. Xavier Nuvials (Hosp. Valld’Hebron), is based on six-step protocols: manicured hygiene, chlorine-hexane disinfection, total barrier measures during insertion, localization preference subclavia, retreat of internal catheters and hygienic mane of estates. The pandemic obliges to adapt the recommendations, taking into account the continuous use of individual protection equipment, failing the valuation of the retreat of inferior vascular devices or the hygienic or surgical operation of the manors.
