Intensa, con golazos y polemmica fue la finale de ida –

THE PROGRESS. Guastatoya conceded a 2-1 ante Municipal victory in the game of the final of the Torneo Aperture series of the National Football League

Ante one intense heat, in the stadium David Cordón Hichos, in Guastatoya, El Progreso, the locales ingresaron with mayor intensified ante a passive elenco escarlata that sufrió the peor quarter of the initial time of competence.

Colombian José Corena managed to reload his long distance goal to open the opener marker at minute 6, with the winner being caught in the corner by goalkeeper Víctor Rafael García.

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At the end of the Municipal Reaction and a game that no longer defines the street Ramiro Rocca, as three cartons are converted in the second goal of the guastatoyanos, thanks to the pericia of Luis Martínez, who in a sea of ​​piernas marko another goal

Luis De León took a lateral shot on goal and was given to Christian Reyes, to center, to the appearance of José Carlos Martínez, who had the balloon and now Rocca appeared to come to De Lemos.

The game was led by the arbitrator Bryan López, of discreet action, and no penalty was scored by a man of Luis de Leon in favor of Guastatoya.

Fuchibola 270 × 600 movements

PHOTO: Cortesía /

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