Intelligence community investigating ties between lawmakers, rioters in Capitol

The intelligence community is investigating any ties between lawmakers and rioters who stormed the Capitol on January 6, a U.S. official said. told CNN.

The investigation so far has found that some suspected rioters had connections with lawmakers before January 6 or had direct contact with them, but there was no evidence that lawmakers were involved in the riot or personally assisted any of the rioters, the official said.

Authorities have been investigating the riots that erupted on the Capitol on January 6 for months and have been able to arrest hundreds of those involved, leading to the deaths of five people.

Officials are still arresting those who stormed the Capitol, but they are going to start focusing on those who planned the attack, who funded them and what connection lawmakers had, if any.

Rep. Steve CohenStephen (Steve) charged Ira Cohen with Missouri man for allegedly threatening two members of Congress Tim Ryan: prosecutors holding video of Capitol tours by lawmakers before discussing the riot by the House subcommittee (D-Tenn.) Accused Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) That he gave people a “big” tour of the Capitol a few days before the attack, but no concrete evidence was released that her tour was linked to the riot.

Authorities are now watching video recordings of tours to see if there was any connection between tours and the rioters. If connections are found between rioters and lawmakers, authorities could obtain a warrant to see the communications, CNN reports.

Sen. Sheldon WhitehouseFBI Director Sheldon Whitehouse Commits to Providing Senate Information After Grilling at Democratic Biden Candidate After Trump’s Trade Agenda, Tucker Carlson bases CNN, claiming it is ‘more destructive’ than QAnon MORE (DR.I.) told CNN that he had asked the Senate Ethics Committee to investigate the allegations as well, as he believes it will be easier to obtain the information as congressmen discuss the FBI’s work on the Constitution’s protection of speech or debate for legislators.

Republican lawmakers who former President TrumpDonald TrumpHouse succeeds with voting rights and bill on election reform DEA farm agent seen outside Capitol during riot with leave in Georgia, Gov. Kemp says he would “absolutely” reinstate Trump as a candidate in 2024 MOREThe allegations about the conspiracy theory of the election were disciplined, and Democratic lawmakers believe they had some involvement in or helped with the riots.

There has been no evidence so far that a lawmaker had any involvement in the riot and that officials are not looking at any lawmaker at the moment, the official told CNN.
