Intelligence community advised of impact on the large plaza of covid-19

Washington (CNN) – If the repercussions of the pandemic of the covid-19 fractures societies of all the world, increase the instability in all the planet and reconfigure the political and economic realities during the coming years, warn the communion of intelligence during its existence main security issues to those who enter the country.

“It is probable that the economic consequences of the pandemic will cause the instability in at least one of the many countries, and it will be in many ways, while the people are desirous of the multiple pressures that include economically persistent sums.” interrumpidas », advised the informant.

This economic panorama is slowly increasing the risk of internal conflicts, the increase in migration between countries and including the collapse of national governments, advierten las autoridades.

The information, known as the Annual Evaluation of Amenazas, is made public annually. But the controversies are being debated between the Trump administration and the 2020 Blockade of Congress, which prompted the publication of March as one of the first public appearances in the intelligence community’s assessment of the impact on covid-19 pandemic.

También also offers somber advertisements about Russia’s incubator influenza operations in China, and a first evaluation of Iran’s nuclear ambitions since President Joe Biden loaded the cargo and with the intention of renaming an updated version of the 2015 nuclear deal. President Donald Trump resigns in 2018.

Impact of the covid-19 pandemic

The panorama is not pleasant at all. The officials advised that, in addition to the humanitarian concerns associated with the pandemic, such as food waste and medical access, the virus is also reconstituting the security circle of nations such as Russia and China in Russia on geopolitical influence. Ambos intends to obtain a sale through the diplomacy of the vacancies. The signal informs that Beijing is also using its global sanitation assistance services to export its medical supplies and technologies.

Latinoamérica repeats’ China and Russia en vacca busca 3:53

It also informs us that toddlers will not be able to breathe slowly until they reach the front of the car. The virus will continue to be an amenity “for all populations around the world that are increasingly distributing vacancies and services,” he warned. And the rebrote of the infections in the principles of this year «can have an economic impact on a mayor, then the negotiations in difficulties of the most affected sectors, as well as tourism and restaurants, become tyrannical and governing will incur stresses.

In a silent eco of recent history, the Evaluation of Amenazas of 2019 warns of a pandemic. Entones evaluates that “United States and the world will be following vulnerabilities in the immediate pandemic of the flu or large scale of a contagious disease that could lead to massive deaths and incapacity, affecting gravity in the world economy,” petitions of support to the United States ».

Russia and China

The news also emits an unequivocal advertisement about Russian activity, saying that Moscow “presents one of the most serious intelligence agencies for the United States.” Confirms influencing operations against the 2020 elections, concludes that Moscow “has all the security in the United States elections as an opportunity to negotiate the global position of the United States, to increase the number of Estados’ decision between them. United and influence in United States voters ».

This conclusion appears in an annual review of the plan without making it clear that an immediate mediation of the battle against the intelligence administrations under the Trump administration, when the officials are confronted with Trump’s inevitable reprisals during the election.

China, advierten the intelligence leaflets, also “presents a criminal intelligence agency” in United States. This assertion could be a political covertness to the former officials of the Trump administration who would like to present to China as the mayor amenable to counterintelligence during the 2020 elections. The most declassified documents shown will not be discussed with China the result of the presidential elections of the United States ».

Without embarrassment, “Beijing has intensified its efforts to shape the political atmosphere in the United States to promote its political preferences, shape public discourse, press the political figures that Beijing creates that oppose its interests and amuse China’s themes. as religious freedom and the suppression of democracy in Hong Kong “, said the informant.


The signal informs that the intelligence community creates that Iran is not currently taking the steps that are considered necessary to build a nuclear army, but has resumed some activities that violated the terms of the 2015 agreement with both countries.

“We are evaluating that Iran is not currently carrying out the key activities of nuclear weapons development that we are considering in order to produce a nuclear device. However, during the withdrawal of the United States Joint Integration Plan (JCPOA, by its rules in English) in May 2018, the officials of Iran abandoned some of the compromises reached by Iran and renewed some nuclear activities that were exempted. the limits of the JCPOA », said the informant.

Iran limits surprise nuclear inspections 1:52

The information from the intelligence community also offers a clear advertisement to Biden, while pushing for the reduction of sanctions on Iran in favor of a greater agreement. “The leaders of the regime will probably react and establish diplomatic talks with the United States in the short term without sanctions or humanitarian action, unless the United States reincorporates into the JCPOA,” he said.

“Iran has agreed to oppose the United States’ presidency, although Tehran is also bound to become embroiled in a conflict,” he added.

In 2018, the President of the United States, Donald Trump, withdrew his agreement, drawing up paralyzing sanctions against Iran. Once again, Tehran will gradually withdraw its compromises with the nuclear agreement, reopening parts of its uranium enrichment program.

Pero Biden the prometido volver al JCPOA. For months, Tehran and Washington have been in a state of disarray over which to take first place in historical agreement: Iran says it will not release the encyclopedia before the United States imposes all sanctions, and the United States has accused Iran of intrusion.

Extremism at the national level

Biden: The greatest threat is internal terrorism 0:36

The Commonwealth of Intelligence warns that national extremists who are not connected or inspired by foreign terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda and ISIS “represent a high-level threat” to the United States, informs.

Internal extremists are motivated by a series of ideologies that “reflect a multi-faceted framework of inclusion, which includes racial or ethnic motives and anti-government or anti-authoritarian arrangements,” he said.

“Of them, the extremist violence that has swept away a mezcla has resulted in a surge of white supremacist, neo – Nazi and cultural nationalism excluding those who have the most persistent transnational connections to communities across the West. The development of this movement has so far been held for decades, but it has been increasing since 2015 “, added.

The white supremacists have been responsible “of at least 26 deaths in the more than 141 murders and deaths of frustrated assassins since 2015,” he said.

“Although these extremists are considered to be different as part of a larger global movement, the majority of attacks have been carried out by individuals or independent cellists,” he added. “Australia, Germany, Norway and El Reino, which are extremist violent with the motivation of racial or white ethnic groups, including the neo – Nazi groups, are the mayor’s terrorist terrorist crime to be enforced.”

CNN reported last week that the summary of a new evaluation of the EE.UU intelligence services. decides that “the narratives of fraud in the recent general elections” and “the unintended impact of the violent invasion of the Capitol of EE.UU.” alentarán “cases with all security” the national extremists have agreed to participate in new acts of violence this year.

This summary was published on the same day as the Secretary of the Department of National Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, told lawmakers that internal extremism is the “mayor” for the United States, a clear record of what federal officials are very concerned about. due to the possibility of more violence in our months.

«The most recent sociopolitical accounts, such as the recent narratives of fraud in the general elections, the impact of the violent eruption in the Capitol of EE.UU., the conditions related to the pandemic of covid-19, and the theory of conspiracy “Violence in this case certainly encourages some (internal violent extremists) to take part in the violence this year,” the summary said.
