Integrante de Los Horóscopos de Durango está embarazada

Go to Guapa’s social networking times Vicky, integrants of ‘The Horoscopes of Durango’, announced the work of his social speeches that is embarazada.

‘Surprise. Finally with a lot of love, the compartments are my most important production in my life. Our love and life collaboration. We are embarrassed. There is a lot of emotion and nerves of announcing this new hint that I love love and allegory. But there are many who share my allegiance and our good vibes. Seré una Mami. Los quiero ”.

These are the congratulations on the part of the Internet users who do not hesitate to hope that there are more indications for the new integrative of their family.

“What allegiance, what God blesses”, “Woww congratulations, what emotion”, “What emotion amiga. Ya nos vi en las piñatas. What a great turnaround and welcome to the world of panels. What an emotion. We hope we have a very good baby ”.

At the moment the interpretation is not given in more detail, as at the time of the embarrassment, without embarrassment in the image and the alcanza to be seen in her pancreas.

The song shared on his dicha

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The song shared on his dicha
