Instituto de Ciencias Forenses culmina autopsias des tres agentes assesinados en Carolina

The executive director of Instituto de Ciencias Forenses, doctor María Conte Miller, confirms in late March that we will complete the autopsies of the tres agentes assesinados ayer, Monday, in Carolina.

“The Institute of Scientific Forces culminated in the autopsies of police officers Luis Marrero, Eliezer Hernández, Luis Salamán failing to comply with the debriefing. All autopsy (information) protocols are available every month for the authorities investigating the case ”, indicated in written declarations.

The municipal uniforms Hernández Cartagena and Salamán Conde, as well as the official state Luis Marrero Díaz, failed to commit a persecution that ended with an exchange of views with an individual who fled.

Another state agent, who finds himself in unstable condition, has lost her balance.

Following the incident, the Department of Justice appointed tax authorities to investigate the allegations.

Mientras tanto, the Police invest if the body of a man found in the madrugada of March in the calle San José, intersection with the avenida Muñoz Rivera, in Santurce, belongs to the presence of the agents

The individual wears a gray colored pantalone and a black color shirt, wears a tattoo on the brace that “Sofia” wears and another on the pier with the design of a caravel.

With information from periodical José Orlando Delgado Rivera.
