Install here more panels in batteries

The high energy costs of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) he has been pushing ever since to install more batteries and solar panels to produce his own fuel consumption.

Eduardo Ramos Morán, local president of the Council Coordinator Empresarial (CCE), mentions that there is an alternative that is to be more economical, can help in cases of apagones, as those who register a few months in the north of Mexico.

It is embarrassing, however, that the Mayor of those who reclaim these options are its offices and companies, which demand the energy for lighting, team equipment, in addition to some other engine, which in the case of large industries, results insufficient capacity for the required high voltage.

“The sources of self-generation can hardly be summed up, they have great powers that are necessary,” he said.

Además dijo que ante la falta de capacité que tiene la CFE para dotera de energia a toda la ciudad, comed quedó demostrado con el apagón del 15 februari, pudieran ser más las empresas que recurran a estas alternatives par generar le que ellas consumes.

“I believe that the offices or companies that are not exactly large engines are ready to go to the solar panels, even from before they are on the subject of cost”, he said.

In agreement with the Smart Energy company, the reforms in the electrical industry will affect only the large energy generators and not the higher companies that have solar panels for their consumption.

For a house, the guest with up to four powder panels will be 38 mil pesos, only in a period of two years the inversion with the clock in the electricity guests will be recovered.

The lifespan of solar panels is 25 years and even if it produces its own energy, it can only pay a share of 45 pesos per interconnection right.

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