Instagram will no longer promote recycled TikToks on its TikTok clone

In its latest set of best practices for Reels, Instagram urges users not to post videos from elsewhere, telling its community not to retrieve videos from TikTok. If you share videos you break down from TikTok, your followers will still see them in their feeds. However, Instagram’s algorithms will be on the lookout for TikTok watermarks and it will not promote the videos for people who are not following you yet.

“[We’ve heard] that the roles of low video quality (ie vague due to low resolution) or content visibly recovered from other programs (i.e. containing logos or watermarks) make the roles less satisfying, “the service wrote in a post on the Creators -account.” , we make this content less detectable in places like the Reels tab. ‘

This is a good step from at least one perspective: it will discourage people from posting other people’s TikTok videos on Reels for an impact. If you used Reels, it probably did not take long before you saw videos with a TikTok logo in the corner, so it makes sense that Instagram does not want to act as a storefront for a competing platform. However, the move may make things a little more time consuming for people who post videos on both programs.

In addition to the list of “do’s and don’ts” (which also includes suggestions for blocking videos with borders around or those mostly covered with text), Instagram has provided some guidance on how to create successful roles. share videos and use music you create yourself or original sound from other roles, otherwise you can use music from the Instagram library.The rest of the tips are more obscure, such as creating entertaining or fun content, or trending start what other people can participate in. Very easy.
