Initial hearing program against the presence of lawyer Melvin Bonilla

Tegucigalpa, Honduras.

El Juzgado de Letras Penal program for the Jews 11 March the initial hearing against Always Vargas Núñez (29), suspects the perpetrator of lawyer Melvin Bonilla, March 4, in a Tegucigalpa zone.

A day after the crime, acahecido in the colony Alameda of this city, police agents captured the suspect, who, in his life, found the arms of fugue cortas, a motorcycle helmet and a motorcycle, with which he was assigned the assessee.

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Lucía Villars, spokesman for the Judicial Power of Honduras, announces this March: “Audience program is being held 11 March and March 10:00 of the mañana, in which it is possible to dictate a formal car with any means of communication or sobriety ”.

Melvin Bonilla owning as an independent lawyer, you work as an official of the Judicial Power in the last era. Public Reconciliation Training to identify as a defender of Antonio ‘Tony’ Hernández, Executed Honduran accused of drug offenses in United States.

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Acquired when driving on his vehicle and, through an extended overhaul of the crime scene, at the time assisted multiple communication media, relatives, colleagues and friends, confirmed his death while the inferior was missing.

The detainee, indicating from the Poder Judicial, shall meet with judicial detention means, in the hope of its presentation before the competent judicial bodies. The Bonilla family has claimed justice in the last few days, hoping that the case will attract the attention of national broadcast media.
