Inicia el rodaje de Soy tu fan

Tras el exito rotundo de la serie ‘Soja tu fan‘, protagonized by Ana Claudia Talancón y Martín Altomaro, it is up to the actors to confirm that movie is a reality. ‘N Reise van sus redes sociales, Ana Claudia shared some details of the initiation of the road.

Later, the actress and Altomaro shared a video singing ‘Fan’, the main theme of the story. The song is by Emmanuel Horvilleur, integrator of Illya Kuryaki and the Valderramas, and also has a higher version by Sandoval for the transmission of Channel once.

To do so, the actors will confirm the notice with a photograph in the possession of the Johanna Murillo, which interprets “Fernanda”; Juan Pablo Medina, the actor behind “Iñaki”; y Verónica Langer, who found “Marta”, the mother of “Charly” (Ana Claudia Talancón).

The actors will confirm the notice.

Recordem ‘that you are a fan’ only two of the exits temporadas and is a production that converts to the favorites of the television girls, many people and many identify with the characters.

Martín Altomaro and Ana Claudia Talancón.

From uitlimo, fans of the original historical history of Argentina, who are struggling on social and social media: “¡OMG! Llorando estoy, no puedo creerlo, qué felicidad”, “Lo mejor que me pasade pasa semana, este mes y lo que va este año” y “It is the best news that my generation has received in all the quarantine”, escribieron.
