Ingresan al payaso mexicano ‘Cepillín’ a therapy therapy in diagnosticársele neumonia and insufficiency cardiac

The salute of the infantile television presenter deteriorated after being sidelined by a spinal surgery.

The famous Mexican child television presenter Ricardo González Gutiérrez, most famous as ‘Cepillín’, became involved in this intensive therapy therapy after diagnosing a cardiac and neonatal insufficiency.

According to local media reports, ‘El payasito de la tele’ took place on February 28 in a surgery in which the colocaron also had tears and varicose veins in the cleft palate that caused pain in the area. However, during the procedure the force detected is cancerous in the lineage system, which is the debilitating and provocative factor that is used in intensive therapy, while being delayed.

“It’s [el ingreso a terapia intensiva] if an operation is performed in such a way that it is necessary and at the same time the tenants help us with their advance of calls and dams […] ojalá y pueda salir adelante, stán haciendo todo lo posible por mejorarle su ritmo cardiaco y lograr contener esta neumonía “, declarar el hijo del comediante de 75 años.

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