Ingraham: Big Tech, Big Business and BLM exposed to ‘unholy trinity’ behind Biden victory

A report by Time magazine on Friday proves the existence of a former and precise conspiracy to oust President Donald Trump, Laura Ingraham claimed Friday.

In describing the report by Time’s national political writer Molly Ball, the leader of ‘The Ingraham Angle’ focused on what she calls an ‘unholy trinity’ of anti-Trump forces.

“First is Big Tech,” she said. “It’s no secret that Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook and Jack Dorsey of Twitter are rabid leftists and support Biden.”

The support, according to Ingraham, was clearest when Facebook and Twitter restricted the distribution of New York Post coverage of documents outlining Hunter Biden’s overseas business interests, which were recovered from a misplaced laptop.


A November poll found that 4.6% of Biden voters would not have voted for him if they had been aware of the Hunter Biden scandal, ‘the host said. “Biden beat Trump by just 4.4 percent of the vote.”

“Of course,” Ingraham added, “we do not like the fact that Zuckerberg was the key to realizing the ballot box. He donated $ 300 million to local election offices and the liberal activists posing as non-partisan voter educators. expanded the vote, enrolling by mail and millions of voters. “

The second part of the trinity, she continued, was Black Lives Matter, which Ingraham described as ‘loyal Biden foot soldiers’.

The third anti-Trump force in the trinity is Big Business, Ingraham said. She noted that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which is apparently pro-business, supported 23 vulnerable first-year students of the Democratic House, 18 of whom are on record supporting a minimum wage of $ 15.

“The Chamber’s outrage against the Dems union may have slipped the chips for what happens next: Time reports that AFL-CIO adviser Mike Podhorzer received an unexpected message from Mike Podhorzer a week before election day: The US Chamber of Commerce wanted to speak , “explained the host.

“They have begun to discuss a joint statement promising the organization’s shared commitment to a fair and peaceful election.”

The real reason for the meeting, however, Ingraham argued, was to ensure “access to cheap foreign labor and endless streams of people coming across the border.”


“Trump has kept labor markets tight by withholding work visas and securing our border,” she continued. “It was great for American workers. The Chamber of Commerce hated it.”

‘Democrats in control [of Washington] Ingraham concluded. “The more we learn how they get there and the more we see the disastrous results of their policies in this collaboration, the easier it will be to end control and give it back to those of us who want to empower Americans; not only not to manipulate them. ‘
