Informa de la Fiscalía de Nueva York confirms investigation into Juan Orlando, president of Honduras

TEGUCIGALPA, HONDURAS.- An official document of the New York Fiscalia confirm that there is an open investigation against the president Juan Orlando Hernández by its immediate implication in cocaine trafficking.

The surgie revelation during the presentation of a motion in which the Fiscal certifies the evidence that is incriminating at the head Geovanny Fuentes Ramírez in narcotics and the use of arms.

“The charges against the governor’s investigation ignore the facts of drug trafficking evidence and acts of violence in Honduras in relation to a direct investigation, among others, into high-ranking officials such as the CC-4 document, which tuvo acceso EL HERALDO.

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The same information identifies CC-4 as the President of Honduras. También also reveals that in 2013 Fuentes Ramírez contributed large sums of money from drug trafficking to the Hernández campaign for the presidency of Honduras. Cambio Hernández’s promise protects against the arrest and extradition.

In a post on social media, the Presidential House made the accusations against the president and insisted on the revenge of the drug traffickers.

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