Infected Sick, from ACE of Preventive Medicine?

Vicenç Martínez (izquierda) and Rafael Ortí.

Monday 08 March 2021. 17.10H

The back end is the new Real Decree of Specialties is being converted into a sprint between the distinct actors interested in which is constancy of its point of view antes of tener a borrador cerrado. The nature of some specialties is that the actual community offers a favorable view in some interests, for example, those that decant the balance of the Infectious Diseases have a specialty that has a specific capacity area (conocid). For that, while the last moments before giving the point and final to the text, the specialists of Medicina Preventiva’s reunion with the Director-General of Ordenación Profesional, Vicenç Martínez, accompanied by the Internal and Family Medicine Societies, to explain how considered that Infections should be an ACE (and which part of the MIR specialty is finalized, not at the meeting). Specificity due to fundamental importance in the management of the pandemic, will be the first time that Prevention will be in contact with the new director of the Professional Association. Martínez’s talent is famous in the sector, but all know that no one can provide content with the future MIR training model …

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