INFANCIA – Confirmed: babies prefer to have something that is directed specifically to them

There are people who when they have a baby adopt an exaggerated tone, more slow and chanting, a form that the little ones prefer before the adult, Independently of idiomatic songs they are acostumbrados to listen to.

A study in which 16 participating laboratories worldwide concluded that the babies have 15 months to pay the most attention to the name “baby hat” or baby hat, which actually exists in all languages ​​and cultures.

“The baby has a very slow rhythm in all the tongues, with a more variable tone, and is more animated and elegant”. One differs from others, above all, in the exaggerated as sea.

El Inglés, for example, has one of the most exaggerated forms, explains Megha Sundara, Professor of Linguistics at the University of California and Los Angeles (UCLA) and one of the leading research researchers, who publishes Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science .

The signal study shows that the babies are exposed to the idioms mostrabban también mayor interested in the habla directed to them antes the adult type, and that is interested in this infantile language to the same eda that the rest.

“In a decisive way for the fathers, we discover that the development of the apprenticeship and the attention is similar to that of the babies, and that we are learning one of the two idioms”, dijo Sundara

The team observed 333 baby bilinguals (in English and Spanish) and 384 monolinguals, with ages between 6 and 9 months and 12 and 15 months.

Each pebble is considered to be one of the most common reproductions of a mother-in-law in English, with a discourse directed at babies or adults, from the alcoves of the izquierda or the derecha.

Informative follow-up media shows the time that every baby miraculous in the direction of each sound. “How much longer miraban, more would be his preference”, ver Victoria Victoria Mateu, otra of the authorities of the investigation.

The result was that the “babies tended to pay more attention to the exaggerated sounds of the infantile”, destacó la investigadora.

In the case of bilingual nieces, even more so when it comes to English, the mayor was his preference for babysitting in comparison with the adult guide.

Without embarrassment, including the babies who have not been exposed to English preference the infantile English to the adult, dijo Mateu.

The study, conducted by the Concordia University of Montreal, states that 6 to 9-month-olds’ babies have a mayor’s level of study preference for more than one baby in my studies.

“We suspect that the mothers with the mayor’s educational level quiz more than the babies and use with more frequency the habla directed to the baby”, says Mateu.
