industrial products that have a healthy diet

We always recommend bazaar our diet in fresh and temporary foods, it is recommended, in natural foods that are not consumed by the food industry. Prohibition of probes, also pueden tener kabida en una diet sana algunos industrials productales tales como son los alimentos minimmamente processed.

Minimally processed: the industry has not changed its nature

Between the foods that industry has touched, we find the most ultra-processed nocturnal; and processes of all types, pudding some of them are affordable and suitable for a quality diet.

Good processes that can be found in the super and you help to have a healthy diet

But in a different category, forming part of the natural foods, we find the minimally processed foods what is the definition of the OPS:

… his natural foods that he is altered with are the aggregate or introduction of no external substance. Usually there are minimal portions of food, but they do not change significantly in nature or in use.

Decir, the minimum processes, if well suited to the industry, are only the modified ones with the extension of extending its life util for example, pero no change in nature, pudiendo by them all options are suitable for a healthy diet.

Inside this food group we find the leches pasteurized, las hierbas desecadas, burden hortalizas and fruit fruits, the hongos dehydrated, the vegetables cut and planted, las leches fermentadas o yogures sin azúcar adad, dried fruits toasted, between others.

Eliminate the ultraprocessing products of your diet is a good reto for the new course: six tips for advice

Very rare are these foods additives added you are important to record no deben agregar no ingredient in its naturalness, it is said that those products with sugar, salt, flour and other aggregate are not part of this group of industrialized foods and therefore, are not appetizing for a healthy diet.

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