Indoor dining, movie theaters and gyms are expected to reopen Sunday in Orange County

Indoor eateries, movie theaters and gyms are reopening after Orange County’s virus statistics have improved enough for state officials to raise the province’s level of the country’s reopening system.

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The reopening also follows the sudden changes to last week’s four-level reopening system, which made it easier for the provinces’ path to reopen once 400,000 extra vaccines have been administered to people in the 400 hardest-hit postcodes.

That goal was reached on Friday.

“With this benchmarking measure, and because vaccines are slowing down the spread of disease and serious illness, the previously announced update to the Blueprint for a Safer Economy is taking into account the progress made with the administration of vaccines,” reads a Friday statement from the State Department of Public Health.

OC moves from the most restrictive level, the Purple Tier, to the Red Tier.

That means Disneyland and Knott’s Berry Farm could reopen next month at limited capacity for California residents.

Angel Stadium and other outdoor sports venues may also reopen next month.

“What this means in practice is that California is making good progress with the commitment to deliver more doses to our most severely affected communities across the state,” said Secretary of State for Health and Human Services Dr. Mark Ghaly, said in a Friday newsletter.

The sudden changes to the theme park’s leadership follow a series of sudden updates – from reopening criteria to reopening the school – as Gavin Newsom is likely to face a re-election.

All of OC’s neighboring regions are expected to reach the Red Tiger by next Tuesday.

The pandemic has also refocused on systemic health issues facing working-class neighborhoods in Orange County, and how critical local health clinics and community organizations are in addressing various inequalities.

The clinics and community organizations gathered in the early stages of the pandemic to launch outreach efforts to educate residents about the virus, provide resources for testing and isolation.
