India releases world’s fastest launch, but takes ‘crazy’ risk on homemade vaccine

NEW DELHI – Like from 18:00 on 20 January, the fifth day of the vaccination of COVID-19, India vaccinated a total of 786, 842 people. Over the next few weeks, it aims to vaccinate 30 million health workers and other frontline workers, and by mid-August it plans to vaccinate another 300 million people using two vaccines – Covishield by Oxford University / AstraZeneca in India is made by the Pune-based Serum Institute, the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer, and Covaxin, a native vaccine supported by the government through Bharat Biotech.

“This scale of vaccination campaign has never been attempted in history and it shows the ability of India,” said Prime Minister Narendra Modi when he opened the vaccination on January 16.

India’s challenges in the run – up to the entry into force were twofold – the second – largest population size for China; and the magnitude of the pandemic in the country, which is second only to the US, with 10.5 million people infected and 151,000 dead.

However, it manages to vaccinate 224,301 people in the first two days compared to China, which vaccinated about 73,000 people in the first two days and aims to vaccinate 50 million people by mid-February. The US managed to vaccinate a million people in the first ten days starting on December 14th.
