Increble: ‘n sus 52 aos, as est hoy Daniel Valencia de’ Betty la fea ‘

Betty, la fea sali al aire por prima vez in la televisin en 1999. Sus divertidos personajes rpidamente captaron la atencin de miles de televidentes. Written by Fernando Gaitn tells the story of Beatriz Aurora Pinzn Solano (interpreted by Ana Mara Orozco), a woman for anything attractive but very intelligent working for an important fashion company. Emits in ms of 180 passes, doubles in 25 idioms y, adems, se realizaron cerca de 28 adaptations in distintas ciudades del mundo.

Hi, there is one of the most popular television shows in the world. The intrpidous protagonists and antagonists of the shooter are gaining an important place in the race of spectators and for that matter, there is no extra that many are curious to know cmo is encountered in the news.

