Increasing the number of migrants to Ciudad Juárez to cross the EU

Ciudad Juárez, Mexico.

The flow of migrants in the frontier Ciudad Juárez and the intentions of cruising illegally a United States he increased during the last weeks through the arrival of Joe Biden in the White House and meanwhile are active political activities of immediate return, leading to a higher occupation of habitat in the albergues.

As the master of this phenomenon, the past is coming to a head 47 migrants of different nationalities cruzaron el río Bravo to get involved in the Patrulla Fronteriza de United States, while doing more deaning he intended to find in the front members of the Mexican National Guard.

It’s the case of Caridad, who has been able to recover from Honduras with his two little ones decided cross the front for apply for political asylum to the Governor of the Democrat Joe Biden, who lego to power with a migration reform bajo el brazo.

“Quiero quand study ellas porque yo en mi país no connection, geen tengo ni casa, geen tengo nada “, dijo este martes la mujer a Efe.

Despotés de recorrer el bord del rio bravo, which will be watered down, Caridad y sus hijas encontraron un front pointhas no military presence and cruises to get involved with the agents of the Patrulla Fronteriza de United States with the intention of soliciting the political asylum.

“De donde venimos, haoi mucha pobreza “, account the female antes of sucking the zapatillas and cruising the river. And like them, decades ago he opted to search the American sue in the last weeks, if any. migratory authorities consulted by Efe no dieron exact figures.

A given registration service likes Efe, and 2020 hubo 2 132 extranjeros which will present the migratory authorities in the state of Chihuahua.


The first mediocre midi by Biden were after having read at the Casa Blanca estuvieron la congelación de la construction del frontier wall with Mexico, salvaguardar el programa DACA for undocumented what do you play United States when eran niños e incluir a los undocumented migrantss in the census of the population.

Also announced the definitive suppression of the Protocols for the Protection of Migrants (MPP, in English) -concoido como “Stay in Mexico”– which obliges them refuge applicants off United States to hope for your life Mexico.

No obstacle, Enrique Valenzuela, Coordinator-General of the Consejo Estatal de la Población (COESPO) del norteño estado de Chihuahua, recorded that the new policy has not impeded that many migrants are returning under Title 42.

“Sigue vigente el Título 42, que no tiene que ver un una migratory politics, sanitary sanitaria “express.

During the Administration of Trump, the Centers for Control and Prevention of Injuries (CDC, in English) will issue in March 2020 the Title 42 as part of the Government’s response to the covid-19 pandemic.

This is a signal that the Office of the Aduanas and the Frontier Protection (CBP, in English) can turn over the force through the front a migrant que hayan entrado de forma onreëlmatige a United States, sin liefies la oportunidad de apply for asylum or protection.

“Now is not the best time to start traveling and crossing this border with the intention of entering United States“, refirió el funcionario.

Agreed with official dates, a total of de 184 423 mexicanos fueron repatriados desde United States of 2020.

Estos estos, 13,471 mexicanos fueron deportees for the frontier points of Chihuahua.


The rise of the incessant migratory flu that has spread north of Chihuahua durante años, Ciudad Juárez cuenta hoy con 16 albergues which can reach up to 1000 people.

Panel Vida has various white color cases with blue that the same migrant pintaron. There is a large patio that has bulges and more games for children.

Ismael Martínez, collected by this alhoyament that he accommodates up to 150 people, between them and six embarrassed, ensures that the recent increase in migration is due to the new ones estadounidenses policies.

“Muchos migrant vienen con falsas esperanzas y creen que al cruzar las North American authorities los van a dejar ahí “, dijo el activista, quien insto a tener un” plan b “de no arribar a United States.

The Mayor of the people who find themselves in these albergues his sons from 18 to 23 years ago, spiritual or physical, during crossing or crossing.

The coyotes move, the cobras between 4,000 and 5,000 dollars for their services and, if the intention results, the migrants come to the frontier Ciudad Juárez ‘n menudo desplumados.

In full pandemic, to the domestic animals are the sum of the cget rid of covid. And yes, there are albergues that have been destined in particular or in their totality in cases confirmed by suspects of illness.


In Pan de Vida pernocta Fatima, a woman salvadoreña 32 years old has been traversed by Ciudad Juárez fue una light pink odisea.

Travel by truck (bus) or in “aventones” (autostop), with your belongings and small children. With conjoja, explained that everything will be recorded everywhere hambre que pasaron.

Vea: Legislature of Honduran Families in the EU creates first frontier crisis for Biden

Do you have 2 years to read ‘n Ciudad Juárez, donde fue sequestered with his family. It’s for sure vivir “con miedo”.

About the new oil of migrants, lamentó que los nuevos desconozcan la ley y las difficulties to enter the country.

Ella, tras años de espera y ardua arbeid, espera arreglar su Migration situation and enter legally into United States in noviembre, tras una cita ante la corte qui evaluàra su case et el de su familia.

Como Caridad y Fátima, en esta arida urbe del norte de Mexico se mezclan hoy recién llegados con una maleta de illusions et aquellos veteranos en el dififile de art de sobrevivir a la migration, la precariedad y la sanitaria. EFE
