Inconvenient for Guatemala’s closest friends –

The president of Fedefut, Gerardo Enrique Paiz Bonifasi, confirms to the provision of Guatemala for advancing the parties.

CIUDAD DE GUATEMALA. In case of inconvenience, the federations of Guatemala and Puerto Rico are working to be able to carry out preparation games.

The Bicolor will play against the Boricuas on the 23rd and 26th of January at the Doroteo Guamuch Flores Stadium, in international friendly preparations for the elimination of the Concacaf for the Copa del Mundo de Catar 2022.

Without embargo, the new regulations that will be implemented in the next days of the Government of the United States, will be the argument for the authorities of the Puerto Rican Football Association soliciting the Guatemalan homologues to anticipate the parties.

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The President of the Fedefut, Gerardo Enrique Paiz Bonifasi, confirms – a Guatemala’s disposition to advance the parties.

“It seems that you have seen new restrictions to enter the United States. Peru el lunes ya tengo confirmed new fechas ”, Paiz explains.

The federation states that the party is in a state of disarray: “Because it is a game that is played” and argues that the borics are not allowed to fall behind, they can tend to pay lots.

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