In what constitutes the “medicine of rescate”, one of the pillars of the Ejército de Israel ante derrumbes o natural disasters

The Ejército de Israel took an intensive course on
The Israeli Journal launched an intensive course on “medicine to rescue” (FDI)

El Ejército de Israel sigue redoblando esfuerzos para advance in the capacity of its distinct units of rescate. The first step was to take a course in “rescue medicine”, which included 30 doctors from the Rescate Brigade. In dialogue with Infobae, the doctor Dani Nemet, which was at the front of the course, explained the importance of reforming the preparation of the armed forces regarding the “medicine of rescate”, and the details of the activity that was also dictated in other countries, such as the United States.

“We will operate in critical situations, and we will deal with vulnerabilities in our lives in no other incident”, commented the pediatrician, who for 20 years was the chief physician of the National Unity of Rescate. “Ejército -añadió- intends to be a provider of emergency medical services different from all of Ejército’s courses. This is basically the first course we hicimus, which obtains a special label, a special pin, a special reconnaissance of Ejército. Fueron is certified as a personal medicine medical rescuer. It is a profession that needs to be obtained to become an expert on the camp ”.

Nemet remarked that this tariff differs from the others that develop the rescue teams any incident or natural disaster: “It differs from the main aspects. The first is that, normally, if there is anything in an edification or if there is a plot, then we treat everyone in the world: children, old people … and it is something that we do not teach our regular strengths because we are treated to soldados. If only we had information about them to treat the nines, the adults, the seniors … On the other hand, if there is a derrumbe, a terremoto, haoi a part of engineering in which normally no pensamos. For example, you can have people, one of the springs is hereditary gravity, but it is easy to suck, and the other is very deadly, but it is very difficult or impossible to suck the edification. Entones, in this case, hay that ten in account algo that us, as medics, not solemos hacer porque we think in engineering, sino in como salvar vidas. It is our desire to understand that we teach our medical staff ”.

infobae image Doctor Dani Nemet explained the opera Ejército de Israel in situations of natural disasters or disasters
Doctor Dani Nemet explained the opera Ejército de Israel in situations of natural disasters or disasters

The Israeli doctor, who joined the Ejército Rescate Unit in 1995, explained that Fuerza’s doctors and paramedics were instructed to “make a medical classification”. Es decir, “will decide who needs to be treated first”. “We have to keep in mind that if we have enough medicine, paramedics, and equipment, there is no problem, we can treat it all over the world. But in the case of a terrorist or a catastrophe, in which no people have enough people, no enough teams, people who decide who should be treated first ”.

With respect, however, the decision is not exclusively medical; también se evalúa la “ingeniería”. The other factor that comes into play is “is the duty”: “If you have to enter issues that he has been harmed, you can have duty for the patient, for yourself, or for your team”.

Before this situation situation, the Israel Emergency Response Unit works on what is known as the “gold triangle”, which is complied with by the cargo commander, the medical officer and the engineer. “Some people decide who needs to be treated first”. To explain its operation, Nemet took into account the need to make a ground in Nepal: “We have an edification in which some of us believe that we have a gritty ode. The engineer said ‘we will not enter because there will be a very immediate disaster’. How can we possibly have a niece, we have to decide what to do. Decidimos traer un perro, le pusimos una camera GoPro ylo enviamos al edificio a buscar al niño. But I did not find it, because it probably did not matter. Afterwards, the edema collapsed ”.

The course encumbered by Nemet aboard came to be treated by the trapped people in the drums
The course encumbered by Nemet aboard came to be treated by the trapped people in the drums

The Israeli doctor, who is also a member of the UNU’s emergency medicine team, is also a member of the “shock syndrome”. By appointment, before entering a trapped person between the exchanges, the rescue teams must arrive: “If there are no antarctic treatment, you can have, for example, coronation problems. Sometimes it is late in the day ”.

In some cases our women are obliged to carry some extremity, like a mane, a pierna, to save the life of the person. For example, if somebody has the wrong footing and the edification is about to collapse, or if somebody is very sick -that’s murky-, and they are sick, some times they sacrifice an extremity to save the life ”, comment.

Given the medical record, Nemet underlined the importance of the Ejército’s paramedics being able to perform this type of surgery before the large number of obstacles presented by the team of rescuers: Here you can not have light hair, you are full of powder, the person can be dehydrated … It is a great challenge ”.

Miembros de la unidad de rescate de Israel practican ante un posible case de derrumbe
Miembros de la unidad de rescate de Israel practican ante un posible case de derrumbe

Another aspect of total importance is psychology: “We have to deal with our differences, our soldiers, to prevent lesions: physical lesions, psychological lesions, like post-trauma (…) There is nothing that can be compare with the images that are found in the terrestrial or other catastrophes. If it is fundamental that we have it, that we know our people that we can heal, that we know that we can manage, and that if we treat them correctly, the people will be superior and will be healthy. This is an important theme. One who is prepared for all the scenarios because he has no idea what to do ”.

The pediatrician, which has more than 15 delegations in different parts of the world, considers that each is the most important “exchange of goods” between countries. “The majority of the countries in the world, if they produce a catastrophe in their countries, the majority of the countries in the world do not have the capacity to confront them. The exchange of goods is very important. We have a lot of experience in various things, other groups have a lot of experience in other things, and we believe that the exchange of contacts between the groups of all the world is very important and helps in catastrophic approaches. We share our experience, teach, learn, and exchange knowledge … Here we have no competence ”.

Read more:

Cómo opera la unidad de rescate del Ejército de Israel en zonas de natural disasters
