IN VIVO: Real Spain is looking forward to Platense without any problems; Mario Martínez won a penalty! – Diez

MARKADOR: Real España 2-0 Platense

Finish the first time!

Minute 45 + 1: ¡LO FALLÓ! Mario Martínez shines the ball in the vertical and desperately deserves the opportunity to amplify the sale of Real Spain.

Minute 45: Two additional minutes add the year to the first week.

Minute 44: ¡PUNISHMENT! Maikel García was shot in the head by Dabirson Castillo and was sent off for Real Spain. Footballers complain about the lack of controversy.

Minute 41: Disparo deviado de Miguel Carrasco de Real España.

Minute 40: Platense is attacking and has space on defense.

Minute 35: Ilce Barahona is suffering from pain in the bench of Platense and habría sufrido un esguince en el tobillo.

Minute 32: First change in Platense, Ilce Barahona was injured and Carlos Bernárdez entered.

Minute 32: CASI! Allans Vargas was about to mark the third for Real Spain with a hat trick but his save was deflected.

Minute 29: ¡GOOOOL DE REAL ESPAÑA! Ramiro Rocca extends the sale with a low cabezazo, impossible for Platense’s coffin. Small marking of the defensive gate.

Minute 28: Amarilla card for Aldaír Simanca de Platense.

Minute 27: ¡GOOOOL DE REAL ESPAÑA! Maikel García uses a goal from the area’s field goal that the squad will serve through the pass of Mario Martínez.

Maikel García sent an obus to mark a goal ante Platense. Photo: Neptali Romero.

Minute 25: Cablezazo de Getsel Montes pulls out a drawing board and the door is closed with the balloon in two hours.

Minute 24: Det detiene det partido por lesion de Ilce Barahona de Platense.

Minute 21: Disparo de Ilce Barahona que queda en las manos de ‘Buba’ López.

Minute 17: Platense have a high level of pressure on Real Spain’s defense and have been in a lot of opportunities to surprise them on defense.

Minute 13: ¡Uff, look! Byron Rodríguez stepped up to mark the first for Platense with a potent rematch on the side of the area before being lifted.

Minute 12: ¡DESVIADO! Ramiro Rocca was very much forced to go to a center from the crossroads and with a cave mandate the elevated plateau of the ark.

Ramiro Rocca took his place to lift the center but his save was very high. Photo: Neptali Romero.

Minute 10: The party has increased its rhythm and now it is playing in an ida and vuelta.

Minute 6: ¡INCREASED FALLO! Mario Martínez had a clear goal action after a report by Maikel García that the quedo captain of Real Spain, was a red card after the ball was fired at César Oseguera. On the contrary, he brings the mando to the shooting range.

Minute 3: The party is very crowded in the center of the camp, both teams can control the pelota.


18:59: Keep a minute of silence.

The Real Spain and Platense footballers will be waiting for a minute of silence. Photo: Neptali Romero.

18:57: Salen the teams on the pitch and implement the preview protocol of the shock.

18:50: Real Spain presents a variety of changes in its title section for lesions, in addition the supplement bank is a replica of the youth of the reserves.


Regte España: 22. Luis ‘Buba’ López; 29. Wisdom Quaye, 2. Getsel Montes, 15. Allans Vargas, 5. Franklin Flores; 6. Devron García, 27. Gerson Chávez, 59. Miguel Carrasco, 25. Maikel García, 7. Mario Martínez; 19. Ramiro Rocca. DT. Raúl Gutiérrez.

Supplements: 30. José García, 10. Jhow Benavídez, 12. Yeison Mejía, 17. Samuel Gómez, 23. Arnold Barahona, 28. Patrick Palacios, 31. Daniel Meléndez, 33. Steven Bonilla, 37. Mayson Velásquez, 44. Henry Sánchez , 50. Júnior García, 64. Jorge Castrillo.

Platense: 24. Mariano Pineda; 5. Marcos Martínez, 3. Dabirson Castillo, 4. Aldaír Simanca, 28. César Oseguera; 19. Brayan Reyes, 14. Ilce Barahona, 43. José Ángel Domínguez, 13. Aldo Fajardo; 11. Yerson Gutiérrez, 17. Byron Rodríguez. DT. Jhon Jairo López.

Supplements: 1. José Quintanilla, 2. Anthony Cervantes, 6. Ángel Velásquez, 12. Jeancarlo Vargas, 16. Carlos Bernárdez, 18. Cristian Padilla, 21. Mateo Zapata, 22. Henry Romero, 25. Hesller Morales, 30. Richard Zúniga , 31. David Montoya, 41. Denilson Núñez.


Real España and Platense midfielder were first placed in this Torneo Clausura 2021 league tie between the two teams between two teams, despite the fact that the Máquina has ten players focused on the Honduras Sub-23 selection.

Torneo Clausura 2021 Position Table

The two clubs will announce a new victory in the certamen, in the loop by the leader of the group of the northern zone, where the Tiburones encapsulate the classification with even points of empathy in the front 2-2 ante Vida in the Excelsior.

For its part, the realization intends to take the lead from the top derogation in a classic controversy in front of Olympia, a duel in which it will be 1-0, but in the event of a draw to log its second triumph of the champion.
