IN VIVO: Michaell Chirinos ahead of Olympia in a classic polemic in front of Real Spain! – Diez

Minute 52: ¡GOOOOOL DE OLIMPIA! Michaell Chirinos wears a goulash with a spectacular definition, meter height in the area of ​​Real Spain.

Mnuto 50: ¿Era fuera de juego? Omar Rosas scored the second goal for Real Spain for the assisted sanction as a forward position.

Minute 48: ¿Qué hiciste Eddie? The Olympian delirium escapes from his mark and advances to the goal of Real Spain, but is unable to reach Jerry Bengtson and enters the balloon.

Arrance the complement!

Maintenance time: Cambio in Real Spain, led by Alejandro Reyes and played by Omar Rosas.

End the first time!

Minute 45: ¡Incredible fall! Olympia should mark the second by Michaell Chirinos’ medium that could not draw a center. New Real Spain’s defense is very bad and distracting.

Minute 44: Great intervention by Luis ‘Buba’ López pulls a potentially free draw from Deybi Flores.

Minute 42: Yellow card for Deybi Flores de Olimpia for advertising.

Minute 40: Horrible disparo de Devron García desde muy lejos se se fue totelt deviado.

Minute 36: Michaell Chirinos’ sweet and devious remake of Jhow Benavídez’s brand.

Minute 35: Yellow card for German ‘Patón’ Mejía de Olimpia for failure against Mario Martínez.

Minute 32: Darixon Vuelto intends to do so with a rematch from the Olympics area, but his goal is lifted.

Minute 25: Amarilla Card for Jonathan Paz de Olimpia for missing about Darixon Vuelto.

Mario Martínez is enjoying a free shooter shot. Photo: Neptali Romero.

Minute 20: ¡GOLAAAZO DE REAL ESPAÑA! Mario Martínez uses a joya de gol in an impossible free shooter for Edrick Menjívar. The flying aurinegro metió in the anguish of Olympia.

Minute 18: ¡Ufff! Real Spain have been searching for the cometido error and this marks the median empathy Alejandro Reyes. The flight took place between the Olympic area and the return of the third, but its loss was reported by Edrick Menjívar.

Minute 12: ¡GOOOOL DE OLIMPIA! Jerry Bengtson announces the first of the game through a brand of Real Spain in a free shoot near the aurinegra area. Devron García can not despair and deletero llegó to fill the sphere.

Minute 8: A great level of play demonstrates both teams, with great intensity and good control of the pelota.

Minute 4: CASI! Real Spain has branded the first by Darixon Vuelto, who met in the Merengue area, relegation and the balloon was pushed to the draw by Edrick Menjívar.

Minute 3: CARCA! Graffout by Allans Vargas in response to his portrayal of Luis López, who wants to cover Eddie Hernández’s allegation. José Pinto’s balloon was blown away by the deflection.


18:55: Salen the teams to the can and everything is listed for the beginning of the encounter.

18:45: Before the start of the match, Real Spain offered a minute of silence in honor of the Mario Kafati directive, which failed in the final of the coronavirus debit.

The Real Spain directive gives a good acquaintance to Mario Kafati. Photo: Neptali Romero.

18:35: The flying Mario Martínez will be the new captain of Real Spain by coach Raúl Gutiérrez. In the last few rounds I have the porter Luis López who carries the gaffete.

18:25: Real Spain announce their first start with a nominal center nominal.

RIGHT SPAIN: 22. Luis López; 29. Wisdom Quaye, 2. Getsel Montes, 15. Allans Vargas, 5. Franklin Flores; 6. Devron García, 10. Jhow Benavídez, 7. Mario Martínez, 8. Alejandro Reyes, 25. Maikel García; 18. Darixon Vuelto. DT. Raúl Gutiérrez.

Supplements: 1. Michael Perelló, 11. Omar Rosas, 23. Arnold Barahona, 24. Carlos Mejía, 33. Steven Bonilla, 44. Henry Sánchez, 50. Júnior García, 59. Miguel Carrasco, 64. Jorge Castrillo.

El reencuentro. Alejandro Reyes, now with Real Spain, salutes Yustin Arboleda and other teammates at Olympia. Photo: Neptali Romero.

18:20: Olimpia presents his title with various changes.

OLIMPIA: 1. Edrick Menjívar; 2. Maylor Núñez, 17. Jonathan Paz, 16. Johnny Leverón, 24. Samuel Córdoba; 29. German Mejía, 20. Deybi Flores, 33. Michaell Chirinos, 21. José Pinto; 27. Jerry Bengtson, 30. Eddie Hernández. DT. Pedro Troglio.

Supplements: 28. Rafael Zúniga, 7. Diego Reyes, 8. Allan Banegas, 10. Matías Garrido, 12. Cristian Maidana, 19. Yustin Arboleda, 31. Marvin Bernárdez, 59. André Orellana, 65. Josman Figueroa.

18:00: The president of Real Spain, Elías Burbara, assists the stadium Morazán to support the aurinegros players in the difficult trial against Olympia.


Real Spain and Olympia have a year-old rivalry in their debut in the 2021 Torneo Clausura of the Honduras National League, in the first year’s first round of the certamen let herleef.

The Machine will train in its renovated technical body, encased by the world champion with the juvenile selections of Mexico, Raúl “Potro” Gutiérrez, who will try to provoke a revue of the actual Honduran bicampe, Olympia.

For his part, the capital team intends to start with a good ride on his camio with the triathlon of the Argentine man Pedro Troglio, in the first big test that will take place in the championship.

Real Spain-Olympics Statistics
Series history: 251 matches: Olimpia ganó 96, Real España ganó 55 and empataron 100
Olympia anotó 294 goals and Real España anotó 210
Serie en el Morazán: 104 matches: Real España won 34, Olimpia won 29 and empataron 41
Olimpia salió triumphant in the last 3 matches in the Morazán ante Real España.
