IN VIVO: Matías Galvaliz extends Motagua’s sale on Real Sociedad en el Nacional! – Diez

Minute 69: ¡Bombazo! Christian Altamirano soltó un missile de pierna derecha y Jonathan Rougier desvió al tiro de esquina.

Minute 62: Cambio en Motagua, entros Óscar García y se fue Walter Martínez.

Minute 61: Casi! Walter Martínez met Real Sociedad and returned home for the rebuke of Juan Pablo Domínguez.

Minute 54: ¡GOOOOOL DE MOTAGUA! Matías Galvaliz extends the windfall of a combination inside the area. Omar Elvir is launching a center that Roberto Moreira fired at Gonzalo Klusener, extending the balloon for Galvaliz to fill the bottom of the ark.

Minute 50: Amarilla card for Maynor Antúnez from Real Sociedad.

Minute 49: Casi! Real Sociedad is approaching a new medium with a rony from Rony Martínez that is queer in the ways of Jonathan Rougier. Antes, Motagua había llevado peligro.

Minute 48: ¡Desviado! Real Sociedad intends to open a free draw from Christian Altamirano’s courtesy of his resignation.

Arrance the complement!

Motagua has taken a lot of steps towards the Real Sociedad meta. Photo: Emilio Flores.

Maintenance time: Double change in Real Sociedad, ingresaron Christian Altamirano and Clinton Arzú; is Michael Reyes and Brayan Rivera.

Finish the first time!

Minute 45: An additional minute added the year to the first meeting.

Minute 44: Amarilla card for Walter Martínez de Motagua.

Minute 42: Rony Martínez executes a mala form a free shot on the star in the bar.

Minute 36: Tiro desviadísimo de Walter Martínez de Motagua.

Minute 35: Real Sociedad are in the best position on the pitch and will not allow Motagua’s stakes, even if the Eagles are the dominant players of the party.

Minute 28: Large ‘Muma’ Fernández game to mark a mark and read the bottom line of the right sector, but its center is located in the manuscripts of the accessory.

Minute 25: ¡Adelantado! Real Sociedad is approaching with a lot of fun and the final game with a flight of Rony Martínez after the action was canceled by the game.

Minute 18: Motagua is being much better in the party and looking for a way to incite the second goal.

Minute 12: ¡GOOOOL DE MOTAGUA! Carlos ‘Muma’ Fernández is able to win the Eagles with a fourth drawback with the complicity of Real Sociedad’s goalkeeper, who could not shake the pelota and let the man down.

Minute 9: ¡La tuvo! Walter Martínez has a great individual game, if he wants to join Real Sociedad but he can not assist in the last step to meet a partner.

Roberto Moreira tuvo para annotarse en el marcador pero n pudo definite ante la salida del portero. Photo: Emilio Flores.

Minute 4: ¡UFF! New Motagua casu annotates the first of the median party Roberto Moreira, the attacking force habilitado and ante the salida of the rival arquera, remató de izquierda pero rebotó en el meta y se fue al tiro de esquina.

Minute 1: The search for the first goal of the first flight of ‘Muma’ Fernández by the court, he sent a center that could not be rescued by the legacy of Juan Pablo Montes.


16:15: Motagua presents a change in the marathon relegation to Marathon, with the inclusion of Juvenile Fabricio Galindo on the substitution of Marcelo Pereira.

04:00: The teams will play at the National Stadium in compliance with the biosecurity protocols.


Motagua: 19. Jonathan Rougier; 12. Marcelo Santos, 2. Juan Pablo Montes, 33. Fabricio Galindo; 29. Carlos Fernández, 24. Omar Elvir, 23. Juan Delgado, 8. Walter Martínez, 10. Matías Galvaliz; 9. Gonzalo Klusener, 21. Roberto Moreira. DT: Diego Vázquez.

Supplements: 25. Marlon Licona, 3. Elmer Güity, 7. Iván López, 11. Marco Tulio Vega, 16. Héctor Castellanos, 18. Diego Rodríguez, 22. Jesse Moncada, 26. Josué Villafranca, 27. Óscar García, 34. Kevin López, 45. Ariel Flores, 47. O. Gonzales.DT: Diego Vázquez.

Real Society: 27. Juan Pablo Domínguez; 35. Yeer Gutiérrez, 21. Maynor Antúnez, 16. Breyner Bonilla, 4. Ricky Zapata; 19. Danilo Tobías, 20. Jorge Claros, 13. José Canelas, 28. Brayan Rivera; 9. Michael Reyes, 11. Rony Martínez. DT: Carlos Tábora.

Supplements: 2. Deyron Martínez, 3. Robbie Matute, 6. Kenneth Hernández, 7. Kendrick cárcamo, 12. Clinton Arzú, 14. Christian Altamirano, 17. Osman Melgares, 23. Jonathan Corzo, 26. Christian Martínez, 29. Wilson Urbina , 33. Danni Mejía, 34. Norman Gaboriell.

Stadium: Nacional.

Árbitro: Melvin Matamoros.
