In the year of the pandemic, Emergencies follow their specialty

Cruz’s candidacy turns out to be a draw Implication and transparency y se la vincula a la orbita proindependentista catalana. He recorded that Cruz visited, in the official representation of MC, al, at the moment, he is the spokesman for the Generalitud, Toni Comín, in Brussels, information and information about the su cuenta of Twitter la propia central on the 1st of December of 2017. Comin fue destituido de su cargo por el Gobierno central in application of Article 155 of the Constitution the 27th of October 2017 and the most late days, the 30th of October, the Spanish Justice Brussels, together with the former President of the Generalitat Carles Puigdemont and the other three ex-governors of the Gobierno Autonomous. Comín sigue in Brussels, where now the European Parliament (presented as number 2 in the Junts candidacy for Catalonia-Lliures for Europe, captured by Puigdemont).

A Cruz the accompanist in his candidacy: Ana María Roca, Xavier Lleonart, David Arribas, Ramon Sarrias and Consuelo Casado. His candidacy is presented as follows: “We are currently acquainted with the complexities that we are living. Our sanitary precarious system has collapsed in the wake of the covid-19 pandemic by all administrations. Health professionals, and especially physicians and physicians, have been exposed to the dangers of being deceived and have required a humane treatment with real and permissible compensation. At the moment, experience, integrity and compromise are essential values ​​for the defense of our right. The members of the candidacy “Implication and Transparency” will bring these values ​​to Médicos de Cataluña (MC) “.

As for Puig’s candidacy, Ghana with us, complete: Maria del Carmen Sánchez Ufarte, Nuria Estanyol, Javier O’Farrill, Lluís Recasens and Núria Montalà. In this case, it ensures that “the diversity and values ​​of a centenary organization and a guarantee of justice, respect, reconciliation, dignity and care for all the affiliates and affiliates of Catalan Medici”.

Puig, although Antoni Sisó, president of the Catalan Society of Family and Community Medicine (Camfic) and the critical focus of primary focus Focap, has been publicly active as a counterpoint to the official version of the management and evolution of the pledge of Covid-19 af Cataluña por parte del Gobierno de la Generalitat. Y nhe has transcended problems within the internal divisions between Puig and Cruz, which supports the huelga of the autonomous MIR and the primary attention that was read to convocation but was canceled prematurely due to the sanitary crisis.

Afirma the Puig group that “no tenemos ataduras nor conditionals with any political party or organization. We are representative of all the sectors and territories of MC, and we have the capacity to know the real needs of the whole world. We will present a balanced candidacy in general and in the first place we will present a woman to the general secretary’s cargo. Franchise of edades with different professional inquiries. We combine experience and youth. We are the present, but, about everything, the future. Compromise without failures with our legal appraisal and with all affiliates with present and future demands. Capacity to negotiate with concrete and palpable results obtained at the crossroads of our trade union ”.
