In the Republican Party, the post-Trump era lasted a week (Analysis)

(CNN) – Two chambers diverge in state politics and the Republican Party elects the decision by the disgraced President Donald Trump and the theories of the QAnon conspiracy.

While reflecting on the futures of the Republican Party, the traditionalists hope to change the rumors of the debates that led to Trump’s insurgency, Washington’s powerful actors and state activists, and his decision.

Following the speedy rehabilitation of the President, the Leader of the House of Representatives Minor, Kevin McCarthy, visited Trump in Florida, the Jews were able to reproach his critical propositions to incite the disturbances in the United States Capitol.

Only one week after Trump left the White House, it is clear that his party is not on the list. The extremists and trumpeters van en aumento, meanwhile the legislators who condone their aberrant product luchan by their political squares. The anti-Trump, represented by members of Congress like Senators Ben Sasse of Nebraska and Mitt Romney of Utah, in addition to Illinois Representative Adam Kinzinger, appeared a small and superior force.

Will the political juice be prosecuted against President Trump? 3:44

This week’s regulation will have significant implications for the position of the Republican Party in the mid-term elections of 2022, and for the hopes of President Joe Biden to drain the vein of Washington in the name of national unity.

But we will also plant a fundamental issue for the Republican Party proposal. Is there a doubling of the demand for popular fury and Trump’s best way to recover from the state? In particular, of the suburban zones that the President’s Chamber lost, the Senate and the White House lost in a single term of four years?

A pro-Trump-based animated participation is vital for Republicans’ hopes of winning the Chamber of Deputies in the 2022 elections. However, there is also the possibility that an aspirant of Senate aspirants in favor of Trump in indecent states will the hopes of the party to derail the democratic majority in the Chamber.

Trump has said yes to the sigue party since then

Throughout the country, Republican leaders reacted to Trump’s blight intensifying the political revolution that transformed the party into its image, censoring and marginalizing those considered unjustly deposed and led to political justice on two occasions.

In a vote of no-confidence vote this week, 45 Republican senators point out that Trump has no precedent for inciting the most outrageous attack by a president against the EE.UU governing body. in history during the motit del Capitolio.

McCarthy, who has been humiliatingly recalls his critical accusation before Trump, traveled to Florida for an audience while looking to compensate for the exile in his palace in exile.

In another sign of the future rumor of the Republican Party, Georgia’s representative Marjorie Taylor Greene was not censored by her party’s party as CNN’s KFile informers expressed their support for the last years and Democrat leaders’ posters for the Congolese. McCarthy plans to talk to the congresswoman about what he is talking about, in a statement circulating the nightmares, called “deeply disturbing” comments. Axios was the first to inform McCarthy’s statement and plans to talk to Greene.

Pero the elevated ascension of QAnon’s sympathizer as the prominent rostrum of an enslaved party on the streets and the extravagant propaganda does not appear to be on fire. Hecho, Greene was compensated for being assigned to a dead commission.

Alarmed by the divisions in his party, McCarthy ordered in his tropes that “paren esa basura” and concentrate on the Democrats, informs CNN the mercoles. It’s not clear whether his ad applied to pro-Trump representative Matt Gaetz of Florida, who traveled to Wyoming to criticize his territorial proposition in the Republican House of Representatives, Liz Cheney, who voted in favor of Trump’s juiciness.

The remnants of the former Republican Party, like George W. Bush’s ex Rob Robman, who have been unanimous in the unequivocal populism that Lincoln’s party has been pushing for, will not have to accept. The Ohio senator announced this week that he would not post for the election.

But in Arkansas, Casa Blanca’s former secretary of state, Sarah Sanders, used her war with the Washington media during her inauguration as an honorary insignia to appeal to the pro-Trump base in his aspiration to be governor.

¿Someter a juicio político A Trump is constitutional? 1:15

In Arizona, Oregon and Pennsylvania, anti-Trump como van die republikein Cindy McCain is standing purged while loyal to Trump toman prominent positions and state officials who are firing companies against the president’s efforts to win Biden’s victory bajo an extreme pressure.

‘It’s time to punch’

The ex-governor of Ohio, John Kasich, who is now CNN’s commentator, says in “The Situation Room” that the Republican Party does not need to act swiftly against Greene and compares the phrase of the letters to honor his values ​​with the courage demonstrated for the detainee leader. of the Russian opposition Alexey Navalny.

“The preoccupation will lose an election or win the majority,” said Kasich. “It’s gotta be pissed off and say it’s not our party, we’re reticent and it’s unacceptable to us.”

The lesson of the Trump era is that there is an election in the Republican Party between its values ​​and its power, the Power always Ghana. Pero the descent of the party to the alcantarillas of the electoral mentions come with a precious price for the rest of the nation. The Department of National Security is issuing a bulletin to police officers commonly associated with national terrorism, warning about the potential for violence by extremist extremists during the attack on the United States Capitol.

The ad cites the presidential transition “as well as other perceptions fed by false narratives” as potential catalysts for livelihoods. These narratives were carried out during the week by Trump and his Republican facilitators in Washington to meet a hog in sections of the conservative media.

The abrasion of the Republican Party in Trump is perfectly logical, including whether the Republican legislators in inconvenient positions say that their crimes against the Constitution are disjointed with the mentions that the 2020 elections will rob.

The President has been engaged for a long time in raising the number of indictments in his party that he has protected from the consequences of his unconstitutional power and falls between the Republican leaders and those who are intimidated by us. Its inconvenience, when it comes to the Washington media, compares it to the flurry of base voters at home and romps with the president.

As a matter of fact, a CNN / SSRS poll published just in time for the cargo crash, found that 48% of Republicans wanting to oust Trump mean that 47% hope to continue considering the party’s leader.

The clarity of this week, including McCarthy’s peregrination at Mar-a-Lago, suggests that party leaders and base members cried out that some of Trump’s popularity after the Capitol’s turbo attack was only temporary.

And McCarthy’s strategy clearly states that it considers Trump’s base fundamental to approving what history suggests is a great possibility of reclaiming the Chamber for the Republican Party in 2022.

También could also hope that corporate donors would drive campaign contributions to Republican legislators who fail to certify Biden vuelvan’s electoral victory with the potential prospects of a Republican mayor in Camarara by 2023.

Why the Republican Party never let go of a Trump

The power has always been a key motivating factor behind the Republican Party’s painstaking support in the Senate for the presidency and its failure to volunteer to restrain its transgressions when it is in the cargo area.

Any senator who avoids a challenge in the primaries has no other practical option that demonstrates total loyalty to Trump.

Florida Senator Marco Rubio, some of the presidential superstars blamed for the telecommuting exile in 2016, were seen for a long time as the model of a new Republican Party, more optimistic and inclusive. Alguien with a professional trayectoria that now has the firm firmly in favor of Trump and calls for political juiciness as “the revenge of the radical quarrel” is an adequate personification of the transformation that Trump forged in the party. We can also have something to show for Charla about a possible challenge in the primaries by Ivanka Trump.

Ivanka Trump Secret Service pays for going to the bathroom 0:37

The leader of the Senate minority, Mitch McConnell, has been among the most angry Republicans for the attack on his United States Senate incitement by Trump in his efforts to frustrate the constitutional transfer of power to Biden.

The Kentucky senator, including Hizo, said he was thinking of voting for Trump on serious charges and failed in his Senate conviction. Aún no ha dicho cuál es su decisión. Pero el martes, McConnell estuvo entre los senadores que votaron, sin exito, para desestar de caso sober la bas dudosa de que es unconstitutional juzgar a un expresidente ya fue accusado mientras staba in cargo.

The vote reflects a growing confidence in Trump’s Washington officials that they are escaping a postal impediment to a federal cargo in the future.

Another Republican key figure, United States Secretary of State Nikki Haley of the United Nations, who devised an expert manner in Trump’s administration with the President’s nod, has retracted his previous criticism of Trump’s predictions. Now, Haley, who is clearly preparing the ground for a presidential candidacy in 2024, is poised to overthrow the president as he destroys state democracy as the victim.

“I would like to say, give it a try,” Haley told Fox News.
