In the midst of massive religious events, India has another record of coronavirus diary cases: 184,372

A patient with respiratory problems was taken inside a COVID-19 hospital to receive treatment in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Ahmedabad, India, April 14, 2021. REUTERS / Amit Dave
A patient with respiratory problems was taken inside a COVID-19 hospital to receive treatment in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, Ahmedabad, India, April 14, 2021. REUTERS / Amit Dave

La In the mark this market one new record with more than 184,372 covid-19 cases in 24 hours, as well as peor register of countries since the beginning of the pandemic and cases include the few numbers registered in September passed when the country found the peak of its first oil. A new peak in this second or that expands each time more rapidly, while the Hindus celebrate the mayor religious festival of the world, which reunites a crowd of the birds in the mouths of the Ganges River.

The rapid expansion of this second or the multiplier increases the number of active cases, with more than 1.3 million sick people, cuadruplicating the demand of the health and medical clinicians in just a few weeks, three months of a sustained recovery.

The rapid increase in the implementation of new restrictions in various zones of the country. In the state of Maharashtra, the epicenter of nursing with more than 60,000 new cases each day, the partition order has been ordered for 15 days with the hope of eliminating the pressures on the public system.

Aún así, se lleva a cabo la celebración del festival Kumbh Mela, in the city of Haridwar, in the north of the country, a massive reunion of Hindu peregrines converges on various summer-like varieties in the oranges of the Sacred River Ganges to wash their pecans.

This month, dozens of Hindu miles will begin to glow in the flow of the river to celebrate the third “shahi snan”, one of the most auspicious days of the festival.

Naga Sadhus, the Hindu holy men, is bathed in the Ganges River during Shahi Snan
Naga Sadhus, the Hindu holy men, are bathed in the Ganges River during Shahi Snan’s “Kumbh Mela”, the Lanzador Festival, in the midst of the coronavirus disease propagation (COVID-19), in Haridwar, India, on April 14th. 2021.REUTERS / Anushree Fadnavis
The Hindu devotees are bathed in the Ganges River during Shahi Snan in
The Hindu devotees are bathed in the Ganges River during Shahi Snan’s “Kumbh Mela”, or the Lanzador Festival, in the midst of the coronavirus infestation (COVID-19), in Haridwar, India, April 14th 2021.REUTERS / Anushree Fadnavis

The bath of hoy, considered the most important of the four innermost claws contemplated at the festival, reunited with one 600,000 People passing through all parts of the country, said to the local media the event police chief, Inspector Sanjay Gunjyal.

The event is celebrated in the middle of a Relaxation of movement restrictions in all the state of Uttarakhand, which belongs to Haridwar, supported by the authorities in view of the celebrations. Agreed with the Ministry of Health of Uttarakhand, the region reported 1,925 cases in the last 24 hours, of the 594 districts of Haridwar.

A Devotee to Secure His Ropes in the Ganges River, Donde Miles Accompanied by Kumbh Mela Religious Festival Passes the COVID-19 Bridge in Haridwar, India (REUTERS / Anushree Fadnavis)
A devotee can secure his ropes in the Ganges river, donne miles ahead of the Kumbh Mela religious festival in front of the COVID-19 bridge in Haridwar, India (REUTERS / Anushree Fadnavis)

The rapid expansion of the virus continues as the authorities intend to accelerate their massive evacuation campaign, leading to the mayors of 45 years, with the aim of preventing the deaths and serious cases of illness.

Con 13.8 million accumulated cases, India is the most affected country beyond the United States, and surpasses the 172,000 bankruptcies.


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