In the EU an aplicar vacunas contra covid-19 and pharmacacias are available

Washington, United States /

To increase agility in the evacuation against covid-19, en United States comenzarán aplicar el immunizante en pharmacies ‘s part of the 11th of February.

The coordinator of the response of the White House for the covid-19, Jeff Zients, dijo el Martes a periodistas que debido a las limitations de suministro, el program estará initials enfocado en 6 mil 500 pharmacies de todo el pais, pero eventualen se expandar a 40 mil.

“It is possible to dispose of the persons more sites where vacancies will be in its communities and is an important component to apply the equitable form vacancies “, explained.

The program has what the people have quoted in the pharmacies to receive it dosage, while acknowledging that the priority group that belongs is eligible for it.

More than 32.2 million injections have been applied recently in the country, with only a few 6 million people who received the doses necessaries of the vacancies of Pfizer o Modern, following the official dates.

Tras the sources of initial bottles, the states stand haciendo crecer su vacancy administration case while the federal governor works with the manufacturers to intend to increase the summit.

Biden’s governor has set himself the goal of administering 150 million doses in his first ten days, which will be completed in April.

