In spite of the Russian militarization, the United States has warned that it will defend its interests in the Arctic.

Co-Emirate John Kirby, Porter of the Pentagon (EFE / Shawn Thew)
Co-Emirate John Kirby, Porter of the Pentagon (EFE / Shawn Thew)

The Pentagon warns that the United States has its “interests” in the Arctic and that it will defend it. Increases military militarization by Russia.

According to the United States, Russia “will improve its security in the wake of the Soviet-era aerodromes’ redevelopment, expansion of its air defenses and air defense systems and increase the capacity of its capabilities” to reduce the zone. The Public Pentagon is its position after the CNN publishes satellite images of these base bases in arctic territory, all within its national fronts.

Washington considers that Moscow has adopted this strategy ahead of the rapid recovery of the Arctic, which will open new transit routes and eliminate natural barriers to Russia’s confidence in protecting it.

Obviously we are here, and we have national security interests so we have to protect and defend“, Dijo el portavoz del Pentágono, John F. Kirby, en rueda de prensa. “Strategic competitors can take advantage of malignant or coercive activities in the Arctic with the advancement in their objectives for these regions. The Pentagon must be prepared to protect the interests of the national security of the EU. taking the appropriate media in the Arctic”, Añadió.

A submarine crashed in the Arctic during a naval strike (Reuters)
A submarine crashed in the Arctic during a naval strike (Reuters)

La CNN showcases satellite imagery of military bases in the Arctic next to Murmansk, near the frontier with Norway, the easternmost, and Providenya the closest to Alaska (United States).

The other stars are located at cost points like Rogachevo or Anadyr or islands like Alexandra, Kotelny and Wrangel. These pictures show you a fortalecimiento de las bases en los ultimos cinco años and in some a central construction in the form with the colors of the pink banner: white, blue and red.

Follow the CNN, Russia is using these bases to develop an armaments program that includes the Poseidon 2M39 torpedo, equipped with a nuclear reactor. This torpedo was designed to be superior to detect the costly defenses, as possibly the United States, indicates the chain.

La rusuesta rusa

“The commander in chief considers the military presence in Russia in the Arctic is an absolutely necessary element of military development (capacity). The Zone of the Arctic is a very important region for the Russian Federation ”, signaled by the Kremlin’s spokesman, Dmitri Peskov, in his telephone press release.

“The same thing applies to our borders and our economic zone. The economic potential has increased over the years and has many development plans in the Arctic zone that are being implemented systematically.“, Added the secretary of the press of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin.

Consider, however, that the EU has a similar position to defend its interests in the Arctic. “In view of the preoccupations of our fellow students, we should not forget that the EU has never renounced its military presence in the Arctic zone, has never had to pay attention to the missile. And ours always kept us in the loop and our part of the hecho from which we can ignore this essential region, ”Peskov said.

El rompehielos the propulsion core Arctic (Reuters)
El rompehielos the propulsion core Arctic (Reuters)

The OTAN, concerned with Russian activity

The general secretary of the OTAN, Jens Stoltenberg, expressed on March the “series of preoccupations” of the military alliance by the Russian military activities close to Ukraine, and sent in response to the sovereignty of Kiev.

Stoltenberg said he had called the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, “to express the series of preoccupations with the military activities of Russia” close to the frontier of Ukraine and the continuing violations of the old world.

“The OTAN firmly supports the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine. We will compromise with our association association, ”Stoltenberg said in a Twitter message.

(With EFE and AFP information)


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