“In Medicine does not teach the quality of life of patients”

Eduardo Jorgensen is a doctor and we can say that he was predestined to be: a doctor of medicine and a nurse. Study the career – “me flipa la neurocirugía”, afirma rotundo- y todo parecía seguir su camog logico hasta que un día, en la consulta, una niña con diabetis le dijo que no se iba a pinchar insulin insulin more. “She has the narcissism that her friends love her, she has to be more than a mile and a half older and she has a quality of life that she does not have the ability to tolerate”, she explains.

Recognize that “it was a shock, because a medical student studied that diabetes is well controlled. It’s what you teach, but you do not teach the quality of life that the patient has ”.

Eduardo Jorgensen shares the Clinical Medicine for a patient

Eduardo Jorgensen had a star of 1,300 pinchazos al año a las personas con diabetes

We can come up with a solution to our problems

An artificial pancreas

Through this conversation, we call the two ancient companions of the College of Telecommunications Engineers – one of the career “and we will try to find a solution to our problems”.

The conclusion that the need to create “an artificial invasive pancreas for diabetes” is clear. This is Medicsen Smartpatch, the first device in the world that administers drugs without water. Now, it’s one of the finalists of the fourth edition of the MAPFRE Awards for Social Innovation

This is the Medicsen Smartpatch

This is the Medicsen Smartpatch

The software predicts the glucose levels that the user has to enter within two hours

Complete project

The project, without embargo, resulted in the launch of a startup for a startup, “as far as we know it will be divided into two parts: a software and another hardware”, Jorgensen explains.

It is said that the application “will provide information from the sensors that the patients have on their day and with this information is able to predict the levels of glucose that the user has within two hours”.

Menos inetidumbre

Además, reduction of the time trial because “of advice and resume dudas as what happens if sales to correct in 30 minutes? or what if I have a refresher tooth of a hour? ” [esta última pregunta seguramente se le ocurre porque es un friki digno del top telescópico: atesora más de 500 latas de Coca-Cola de todo el mundo].

The software software has been running for years and, hicho, now it is being redesigned and the new version will appear in a month, approximately, even if it can be downloaded on its web.

It is part of a park that is capable of administering pharmacies without water, using ultrasound


The other part of the project, the hardware, is “a park that is capable of managing pharmacies without water, using ultrasound, with the configuration defined by times, intensities, etc.”, our account Jorgensen.

The effect that is considered is “increase the permeability of the skin and that the large molecules that it needs to help pass, can be made by itself”.

The insulin required to apply a dose very personalized to each person and at any time

Nothing to do with nicotine park

We know what you’re thinking. If you have nicotine packs, what is this? Jorgensen explains: “There are fundamental differences. The first is that the nicotine does not need control, the puedes can put on the skin a colon, empyza to enter all that between and completely completely, no one will die nadie. But insulin can not be used ”.

In the case of diabetes and other diseases that can be treated in this park, it is necessary to “apply a very personal dose to each person and at the moment”.

The difference will be from 1,300 pinchazos to next year

The imported tamaño

The next big difference is the tamaño. Y, créenos, in this case the tamaño is what is imported: “Nicotine is a very small molecule and very large insulin. In comparison of tamaños are like a broom and a sand ”. It is hoped that the first will be able to cover the skin of the sun, because the pores allow it. But in the case of insulin, it is not.

“What has traditionally been called the skin with an aguja. We know what we are talking about is like a tambourine in order to be a little bit and the molecules that are better ”, explains why it can be called a periodical. The difference is “over 1,300 pinchazos until this year”.

The software can be controlled for the dosage of the forma autonoma

Step by step

The first version of the device, which will be on the market in 2023, “has to be controlled by the user. It is the patient who decides the amount of insulin that is going to stop and the moment. Es decir, en ve de pincharse el cuerpo, pincha en el dispositivo ”.

But, logically, Jorgensen’s aspirations and the rest of Medicsen’s team go even further: “In the second generation, which we hope will be by 2025, we will integrate the software to enable autonomous control and the patient will not have to decide dose at the moment it is administered only ”.

Each loan item is: will I pay more money for the company?

Complicated truck

Llegar hasta aqui no ha sido fasil, por supuesto. “Navigate the fragmented regulatory market and complex. Además is exchange and complex. I believe that this is what I call healthiest startups, ”he said.

It is said that this is what this employer calls “the vicious circle that holds funds for validation and requires validation to get funds”.

Jorgensen has been waiting for his project for years and will make sure that the mayor says “he has the right to pay money. Each loan item is: will I pay more money for the company? ”.
