In intensive care patients who received the AstraZeneca vaccine

| 18/04/2021 – 14:19 (GMT-4)

A Dutch coronavirus infected patient finds himself lying on his bed in the intensive care unit of a Dutch hospital after having recovered the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Connected to assisted respiration and with severe pulmonary aberrations, this patient who was vaccinated with the British pharmaceutical vaccine to stop developing sanguine coagulation (thrombi), was converted into a sad example with the Monday .

‘Hay [el pasado viernes] ingresso in our hospital the first patient who was refused to receive the AstraZeneca vaccine through the press release. Oimos the trembling weight in his voice and the desperation in his eyes. The virus has been attacked and has been avoided “, alerted the health authorities in a brief card sent to the Minister of Health in office, Hugo de Jonge.

Accompanied by a radiography of the patient’s pulmonary, the critical map of the paralysis of Janssen’s use and the restrictions on the use of AstraZeneca’s. “With his permission, we shared his pulmonary scan. It is not necessary to be a specialist in pulmonas to reconstruct the devastation, nor an epidemiologist to explain the risks of not being evacuated “, expresses the mission that has a lame to use all available vacancies.

Paises Bajos holds 80,000 doses of Janssen referred to in the hope of a scientific recommendation from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) regarding its safety and possible relationship with six cases of singular coagulation in the United States, unanimously published La Vanguardia.

When the EMA launches an alert about a “possible angle” of AstraZeneca with dozens of very rare thromboembolism cases in people receiving the injection, the Netherlands has the decision to immunize only 60 people in this year.

Despite the fact that the Indian case studies have a minor risk of presenting thrombi in major people of 60 years of age with AstraZeneca, the debate that has raised the alert of the EMA -y the eco that has held in the media of communication- he mermaid the confidence of the Dutch. Following a survey, 42% of 60-year-old mayors have been evacuated in the Netherlands.

“The risk of grave death caused by the COVID-19 is ten times the mayor for the persons of 40 years and 70 times the mayor for the 60 years that the risk of serious death due to thrombosis [provocada por la vacuna]”, informs the cardholders, employees of the Zuyderland Medical Center are concerned about the figures of the third party that are supra.

“Hasta now, we have been waiting for more than 3 miles patients with coronavirus and, while (usted) working with experts on the repertoire of society to offer perspective, we would like to see the tremendous consequences of this nurse”, it is said. card directed to the minister.

“The figures show that the massive benefits of their vacancies are unleashed… The employees [del hospital] it is legitimate to have to continue burning vigilance without adequate protection, while waiting for the evacuation of the refrigerator ”, denouncing these medicines that require the Minister to withdraw the evacuation and create conscience about his benefits.

“We hope that the people of Elijah will avoid a situation such as that of our patient”, proposes Dutch medicine, adhering to the “voluntary vaccination on the basis of informed consent” and the ability to dispose of all vaccines Janssen or any other vacuna ”.

Given that the epidemiological situation does not favorably evolve, physicians conclude their mission by increasing the dose of AstraZeneca that has never been observed in the evacuation of staff and physicians at the hospital center.

As part of the proceedings, with the permission of the authorities or not, these doctors declare that they will take care of their proposals and advice that they do not “cooperate voluntarily and conscientiously with possible gifts” during the evacuation.
