In figures: What does the economic stimulus package included by President Trump include? | News Univision Politica

When it comes to criticizing the package of aid approved by Congress, President Donald Trump signed a massive bill project that includes $ 900,000 and support for the covid-19 pandemic.

These are some of the initiatives initiated and the funds in dollars that are included in the entire legislation:

Alivio ante el covid-19

Benefits per example: 120,000 million

The help for example returns up to 300 dollars per week until March 14, instead of the 600 dollars per week that expires in July. También extends the benefits to those who work in the future.

Direct deposits or checks: 166,000 million

Includes payouts of $ 600 for adults with annual entries up to $ 75,000 and pairs up to $ 150,000. It also includes 600 dollars per year or minor dependents of 17 years. Migrants with mixed migratory status who are excluded from the first package, only that some of their members are residents or residents with a Social Security valid number, now they can receive funds when presenting declarations of joint taxes.

Nominee Protection Program: 284,000 million

Returns the Paycheck Protection Program initiative, which allows us to negotiate that caliphate in order to cover its nominated guests. Some companies specialize in golfing to be able to receive the subsidies.

Vacancies, covid-19 tests and health tests: 69,000 million

Secure more than $ 30,000 million for vacancies and treatments, funds for distribution to strategic states and reserves; in addition to 22,000 million for tests, follow-up cases and mitigation, 9,000 million for medical attention providers and 4500 million for mental health.

Schools and Universities: 82,000 Million

Includes 54,000 million for affected pandemic schools and 23,000 for universities. The Governors Emergency Education Relief Fund receives 4,000 million and school indigenous peoples, 1,000 million.

Auxiliary for the alquiler: 25,000 million

Example funds for the first federal aid program for those who are distributed by local authorities or states to assist those who have returned to the payrolls and may be discharged.

Food assistance: 13,000 million

Increase 15% food stamp benefits by six months and include funds for comedy banks, Meals on Wheels and other food assistance programs.

Child safety: 10,000 million

Example money for the Child Care Development Block Grant to help families who need to pay for the care of their children and assist caregivers who are suffering from pandemics.

Omnibus: 1.4 billion

This mid-term agreement covers 12 projects in one and maintenance in the federal districts up to September 30th.

Other media

Surprising medical invoices: include legislation that protects the consumers of inexplicable massive cobs from receiving medical attention from providers who are running out of security.

Health care centers: Authorize for three years the funding of health centers and extend a series of health policies.

New Museums: institlece el latuse museo (National Museum of the American Latino) para destacar las contribuitiones de los hispanos y el museo de la muler (Women’s History Museum) como de red de institution de Smithsonian institution, ubicadas cerca del National Mall en Washington DC

