In die EU alzan la mano para invertir y fortalecer a CFE

United States Inversionists will have a dialogue with the Mexican government in order to maintain the inversions with the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE), with new methods that benefit both parties.

To participate in the Mexico-United States 2025 Forum, Five Pillars of the Bilateral Relations, organized by the Special Commission for the Implementation of the Senate T-MEC Implementation, the state emirates will ensure that with the approval of the Industry Mexico alone will generate energy.

In his intervention, John McNeece, of the United States of America in San Diego, reiterated the event in which he filed a lawsuit against Texas court over Mexico’s gas summons.

It is clear that Mexico needs to plan its future in order to manage this type of risk and that is where private investors can start collaborating to increase natural gas and petroleum production.

Recorded that now the influence of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is Pemex, but his governor can associate with the foreigners to plan to minimize the risk of shortages of electricity in the future.

As a result, Mexico needs to turn to renewable energy, a situation that benefits both jobs.

“Mexico at the moment, for example, with the change of electricity industry that you approve, the reality is that it facilitates energy efficiently, I do not have paperwork on this topic, but we can plan for the future with renewable energies”.

McNeece proposes that the governor of Mexico and the empresarios dialogues to look for alternatives to create the CFE and that are more efficient.

Dijo que si bien CFE es elfoque, ambos pueden platicar sober como ayudarla, “podemos plantear posibilidades de financier, por lo cual CFE es duña de generación, duña de los equipos con financiamiento des los inversionistas privados, CFE puede ser el duño y private inversionists can obtain the return they need. There are inversion methods that benefit us ”.


For companies that are affected by the pressure that demands in contravention of the reform of the electric power a way that in between will be more complicated to advance in the litigation, there is a deal as a law and no regulation, affirm the ex-secretary de Industria Eléctrica, César Hernández.

“A law is not the same as a regulation, it seems to me that many amps will not make the exit”, said the specialist during the inauguration of the Electricity Forum for the Future of Mexico.

To the advocate of Foley Arena, David Berezowsky, he has a wealth of resources from all energy generators, from those who participate in the subastas, the generators of the previous legal regime (autoabasto, cogeneration and the IPP), as well as those which builds handelaar projects for the new electric market.

It is said that the reform will intensify the atmosphere with national and foreign investmentists.

For its part, the Emperor’s Coordinating Council also ensures that this modification will generate demands on the affected companies and provoke an increase in prices in the final products to the consumers.

The Chamber of Deputies of the New Leon Transformation Industry assures that the industrial sector is facing the crisis of disaster that the country is experiencing, because it is urgent for the government to implement a new energy policy of ambient impact and that is effective for todos.

During the presentation of the quarterly information in October-December 2020, the Governor of the Bank of Mexico, Alejandro Díaz de León, considered this to be the reform of this reform and its implementation and log a balance between things that are ineffective with efficiency, cost reduction, incentivize the inversion and a mayor participation limpias energy.



The Fitch Ratings rating agency informs that it will increase the proportion of international ratings and analytical coverage of Pemex, as well as its existing issues of international debt in the future foreseeable as a service to investors. Previously, however, Pemex informs that Fitch will have to perform its qualification services from high players.

With information from: Yeshua Ordaz and Silvia Rodríguez.
