In Cuba, people who dedicate themselves to making life impossible

| 28/12/2020 – 19:08 (GMT-4)

The guitarist, Cuban composer and singer, Pedro Luis Ferrer, reflected on Facebook about his desire to be in Cuba, on the other hand and came across the authorities.

Ferrer, who has maintained a disposition post of arbitration and atrops on behalf of the authorities in the island, refrains from seeking a person to enforce the designations of the power, even the violet Derechos Humanos elementales. Question, in addition, the infection of the traditional channels of civic jurisdiction and, with it, the legal breach in which a Cuban is found:

“For my own experience, in Cuba there are people who are dedicated to making life impossible. It’s like a sport. Entones, cuando tú gritas y denuncias (en una circunstancia donde son ineficaces los canales nationales queepcionan la queja ciudadana), ellos pretenden usar tu grito denunciante para justifi su su maltrato: – ‘¿Vieron?’ – se dicen complacidos-. “Some demonstrated that it’s a dissident,” the artist demonstrated.

Aggregate that the act of protest is agreed in itself. Only the defensive apparatus shall make such a claim in respect of which the individual property is limited in its ownership by an apprenticeship in which any Cuban acquires, where the dispute has been demonized, contemptuously:

If so, because the act of protest is considered a service to the “only” (the revolutionaries have to increase their silence). And why are you “friends” who have motives for the protest? This is how the factory of dissidents works, an indelible vicious circle ”.

The author of La tarde se ha puesto triste closes its publication with an article about the “mercenaryism in the service of the CIA” that the official discourse employs against the dissidents in Cuba and with some decimals in the stories called El Grito:

‘El Grito

‘N Florinda la punzante
la tildan de “condotiera”:
dicen que cobra en frontera
moneda del contrincante.

Y es que su grito es calante
with the fury of Sanzón.
People of his branch
ha contado af Equixtán,
that grita porque le dan
with a trunk in the yard.

-¿Cómo no voy a gritar
do you provoke me pesar?
A Protestant of Juanito el
lo tildan de mercenario:
dicen que cobra salari
por su bullanga constante.

And it’s that grit is abundant
as quid of the erebos.
The ninfas and the mancebos
han expuesto en Equixtán,
that grita porque le dan
with a tortoise in the horses.

-¿Cómo no voy a gritar
do you provoke me pesar?
Silence the descendant?
If it’s not right you are dead ”

Ferrer levanto su voz, el pasade mes de march, para zigir la liberation de Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara, detenido por presuntos delitos. On this occasion, we express:

“Si fuera para condenar a alguien, no lo haría; but the treatment of an artist’s release, I do not equate them and here I have published my column ”.

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