In case of Felix Salgado Macedonia he has been sentenced to innocence

To be questioned about the allegations of sexual abuse that Morena’s candidate has made in Guerrero’s governorate, Félix Salgado Macedonio, the secretariat of the Government, Olga Sánchez Cordero, called “any violence against women”.

Off mañanera conference, Sánchez Cordero indicates that the charges against the Morena senator with license, hooi sentence of innocence, debit process and audience guarantee.

“I have committed a machinist, patrimonialist conduct, of grave violations to the human rights of the women, over all the physical, sexual violence, its self-determination of its sexuality which can be seriously aggravated by this type of conduct.

“Also, by the other side, the presumption of ignorance, the guarantee of audience and debit process“We are also in our Constitution and we also know who we are,” said Sanchez Cordero.

Also read: Another Black History of Felix Salgado Macedonia

“However, I respect that, by its power, and in the first instance, the guarantee of women will not be violated,” he said.

“Reaching any violence against women, more obviously, not only is it sexual violence, but it is an act of violence, and it is a violation of violence, it is unacceptable, indomitable,” the government said in a statement.

