In Cali robaron, de nuevo, al koncejal Fernando Tamayo mientras hacía eercicio con su esposa

Fernando Tamayo, Councilor of Cali.  Photo: particular archive, Facebook.
Fernando Tamayo, Councilor of Cali. Photo: especially archive, Facebook.

“I have a lot of rabies, I can believe that in less than two months we have been harassed for weeks and nowhere. In the sector of the west, there is no security, there is no Police ”, Announcement in a dialogue with the diary El País de Cali, Councilor Fernando Tamayo on what robaron, newly, in the sector of Granada, near the Marriott hotel, located in the 8N avenue of the vallecaucana capital which is located with its space in the month of the week of this week.

The leader of the edil, who is a member of the Conservative Party, says that this is not the first time that he has been robbed. According to the account in the middle of ancient times, in the last two months there is a wide range of hurts in the opportunities in the calls of the city.

The edil assures that sale constantly to make deport in company of his conyugue. Dice que ayer paro un momento par tomarse un jugo junto a su esposa, as an individual being devastated by a quail, he miraculously quits and “presents something rare”, account Tamayo; next act, according to the leader, the rufianes abordaron a la pareja, the saccharos pistols, the agredieron verbalmente and the obligar a entregarles sus pertenencias.

“These types, well-dressed and with a strong emphasis on our access to arms, our insults and the lie in our cellular efforts”, denunció el concejal al diario caleño, quien, además, dijo que al no tener su cellular tuvo que entregar el de su parareja et otras joyas de gran valor.

“(…) I quit the reloj, but the one who was most angry with me was the one who arranged the chain for me and I did not have the pidieron el annillo”, Tamayo related to the online periodical.

Además, in his relation, Tamayo assured that tuvo much and went to the criminals and that the response to this reaction was murderers. Dice that his reaction of mal genius is generated by the insults that the lords make the hypocrite to his wife; sin embargo, al no poderle quitar el anillo, los malhechores se montaron a su moto y emprendieron la huida.

The official of the capital of the Valle del Cauca arremetió contra la Policía, dice que immever que sale a hacer deport no ve a la fuerza public by ningún lado que que salir a kaminar por las calls de la ciudad riesgo ”.

On the other hand, Councilor Tamayo referred to the violence that was taking place in the city, saying that only the ladies and delinquents had been arrested in Cali, but that the homicides had been drastically increased. In agreement with the edil, in 2021 he presented “53 violent deaths, more than the past year, including that he has not done anything since then”, expressed the local director.

“This city is not ours because we are in the throes of delinquency,” Tamayo told El País.

The employee will ensure that he or she is alerted to the Cali Police with the aim of analyzing the security grabs and thus establishing responsibility for the millionaire robbery of which Tamayo’s victims and his wife.

“This problem is not solved with socialization campaigns, it requires investment in strength and technology. A delinquency haoi que atacarla de frente. Imagine that llegue un ladrón, ¿usted le va a decir que no lo robe, que se socialice? Nee, el man lo roba y punto“For this reason, Alcaldía needs to replicate its strategy and reform the theme of security”, asked the edil in his conversation with digital information.


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