In both cases of the plea, Tomás Boy is not the 1st; Gignac es el Jefe

La Jornada 11 del Guard1anes 2021 trae como platillo especial el reencuentro de dos leyendas de Tigs in the visit of Mazatlán FC al Volcano; André-Pierre Gignac y Tomás Boy, beautiful figures that haze casi dos años get in touch in a plea to become clear who was number 1 in the team’s history of the UANL.

Era la Fecha 2 del Apertura 2019, mes de julio, un duel entre Chivas y los auriazules; he had sex with his boy in a boy, who had This entone contains 104 goals, a period of el máximo goleador en la historia de Tigres.

As soon as Boy announces a decision of the year, by not mentioning the amarilla to Gignac, he will start the discussions between these beautiful idols. The French are talking about words with the tapestry of the tapas, who stand in gritos, with breaths and words the decision to Bomboro “you are number 1!” y hasta lo retaba a golpes en la salida.

At the end of the party, Gignac intends buskar ‘n Boy in the locker room to continue with his plea, but the Commissioner is currently calming down to the French and the level of regression with his team.

“I’m number 1!”, Because I can beat in goals, but in quality we are in another level “, submarine Seun; then signaled to ESPN in an interview that “he equated, in order to meet, I was talking to the arbitrator. my iba a pegar “.

Ante is a statement that he has levels, Gignac does not have to answer and he mediates the social speeches with a probable test that the day is bad for the Lord.

“There are some more important things that meter goals; it is clear that we have distinct values”, tuiteó Gignac.

Boy también reconocioo que no debió rebajarse a pelear en la cancha y manifestarse de esa manera; without embarrassment, dijo que Gignac le debía una disculpa. The French response is graceful, yes dijo “me vale queso”.

Poco después, in August 2019, Gignac hizo ante Pumas goal 105 to get behind the Boy brand and the phrase of the French was an indirect to the timonel.

Nadie is a member of the institution, Tigers will have many more years than any other player. “First tigers and ours are intent on making something to tell the story and this team is what we need”, indicated.

In the most recent story, Boy habló of Tigers criticizing the Ricardo Ferretti for his defensive plant ante Bayern Munich in the Club World Cup Final, stating that Stuvo was bad to have his best man, Gignac, as a midfielder.

Ahora, with 147 goals as maximum goal scorer for Tigers, Bomboro volverá a ver a Boy en el Volcán, in a medium of a different context, Thomas is not number 1 and for many aficionados, the Jefe is Gignac.
