In Atlas Autocritical Guide to Javier Correa

Javier Correa has been malevolent and malicious during his pass at Atlas, but in addition to being a delusion that suffers from the lack of a goal, he has also been accused of being unreasonable in advertising air form to the silversmiths.

This situation has not happened well within the sense of the Zorros, including its companions assuring that the autocritical handle on its behavior, ya que al estar innmeros en percentos problemas, en Atlas no estan para regalar ninguna ventaja.

Affect is strong (the expulsion), Correa the venom that makes good manners, here it is self-critical el, mentalizarse a not regala nada and support as the venia haciendo, we are to regal nada. The reality is that at the end of the game I disagree, I have to deal with it today, but I have to deal with it because I have finished the game and we will have a positive result ”.

“Lamentably, the day goes by for adrenaline, the calendula of the encounter and then it’s part of our term affecting much of what Venice has done, that it’s a revival for the team that has entered, including the title he has in a good way. If we are affected by this, there are also players who can provide good form: it is Trejo, Acosta. Ahorita el team, por confianza que tiene, any one that has a good form in it, ”compartment Aldo Rocha, captain of the Zorros.

César Arturo Ramos sent a message to Javier Correa about the final of the match between Atlas and the Athletic of San Luis, and the aggravation of this situation is that the royal debris had a physical contact with the silhouette and the verb was used verbally, and it is The cost of three parties has been suspended for another year.

In the actual tournament, Correa has disputed a total of eight games, three of them as titles and has not been able to mark any occasion.

