In a Netflix documentary, Pelé reveals that you have a lot of extramarital adventures and that you don’t know where they live | Football | Deport

Pelé, iconic football figure, considered one of the best players of all time, is also, like many other great leagues, although he has lived an intense existence, on occasion sembrada of controversy and, in his case, my market for relations with women.

Last week, Pelé’s announcers took the opportunity to introduce a little more to the labyrinths of their life thanks to a new documentary that Netflix will read, published diary AS of Spain.

The streaming giant will close next March 23rd Pelé, a production directed by David Tryhorn and Ben Nicholas that features unedited testimonials from the ex-football player.

The forerunner of the film is allowed to intervene in the case with which Pelé declares himself in custody at the time of making a recapitulation regarding his sentimental curriculum.

The Brazilian was born three times (with Rosemeri Cholbi, Assíria Lemos and Marcia Aoki, with whom he passed the altar in 2016 and who watched the Ladder of Exdelantero in the news), but many Romanesque sons with many other women.

“In all honesty, he held a number of affairs (sentimental adventures), some of the acabaron cues in his life, but only I found out about the existence of these more late”, Pelé confessed in the documentary.

And indeed, his past subscribes to these words: of the eight he hides that the ex-football player, four fruits of his first matrimony and other dos, gemelos, of his relationship with his second wife.

In addition, Pelé was forced to judicially renounce the paternity of Sandra Regina Machado (who had a violent cancer in 2006), going through his adventure with domestic worker Anisia Machado. It also has an extracurricular shape, it was also created by periodical Lenita Kurtz.

In the Netflix documentary, however, Pelé states that he always advises his partners that he has other wives: “My first wife, my first novel, I know. Never mind ”.

A statement that contradicts the statements made by one of his ex-boyfriends, María da Graça, Xuxa, the last, in which he assured that the Brazilian had the warning that he “had an open relationship, but only to speak for himself”. (D)


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