IMSS is the best school of Medicine, dice Zoé Robledo in graduation of resident medicine

During the clausura del Ciclo Académico 2020-2021 de los Cursos de Especialización Médica, el Director-General of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (IMSS), Zoe Robledo, ensure that the pandemic lasts Covid-19 its dependency is converted to “the best medical school”By haber formed al 60 per cent of specialists of Mexico.

The employee congratulated 4 mil 158 doctors who concluded his residence in the IMSS and, in the event that a hearing and media event took place, it was announced that the apprentices would be involved in their activities “on the terrace and in the comfort of the pavement”.

As a reconciliation of medical graduate staff, doctors also receive a diploma and include a degree to be trained in the IMSS to continue their training and start their formal work life.

Read more: IMSS completes 78 years and is undergoing modernization

To be able to decide that we have a great school alone can be confirmed with the elements: to have the best masters, to the best masters and, above all, to have the best alumni, to the best alumni, and believe that it is during the pandemic has been confirmed, ”Zoé Robledo said.

In addition to advocating for the training of resident and existing medical practitioners to join the IMSS, it is working with the National Union of Social Security Workers (SNTSS) for new contracts and to cover the 2020 deficit in specialists.

The director of the Institute of Health indicated that the year passed, in anticipation of the Covid-19 pandemic, was contracted to 5 mil 229 physicians in 16 mil 470 nurses, which represents the mayor’s intake of IMSS in the last six years.

During the closing event of the Medical Specialization Courses, the Director General of the Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN), Arturo Reyes Sandoval, and in the virtual manner the rector of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Enrique Graue Wiech.

In a video post, the Rector of the UNAM reconciles with the IMSS to become the “most important Mexican institution” in medical training

In addition, he praised the work done by the health staff during the Covid-19 pandemic and ensured that the country was permanently deprived of its jobs, due to the fact that the Senate of the Republic reconciled with these Belisario Domínguez medals. .

Thus, Arturo Reyes, Director-General of the IPN, gave the necessary medical profession a constantly updated and example of this is the Covid-19 chirimiento.

“The higher-level educational institutions are called upon to work in a coordinated manner with the bodies of the health sector as well as the IMSS,” concluded the director of Politécnico.

