Immigration: The Legacy of Minorities on the Frontier of the EE UU Saturates Water Installations | International

Families and minor migrants cross the Bravo River in Texas.
Families and minor migrants cross the Bravo River in Texas.ADDRESS LATIF / Reuters

The number of migrant minors not accompanied by detainees on the frontier of the United States has tripled in the last two weeks, according to public The New York Times. Its 3,250 minor, agreed documents quoted by the diary, and 1,360 of them have surpassed the maximum place of 72 detention hours, at the end of which it obliges to transfer refugees from detention centers.

Dichas installations, which do not differ much in prices and are designed to accommodate adults, are saturated. It manages the Aduanas and Fronteriza Agency, which has been much criticized for the terrible conditions in which it encounters the nests in these federal centers. The law obliges to transfer to the minors, in the place of three days of his detention, to refugees managed by the Department of Health, should permanently have to meet a hogar.

Dichos refugios operaban a capacidad reducida debido a la pandemia, pero el viernes pasado el Gobierno levanto las restrictciones. Aun así, según los documentsos citados por el Times, also these refuges are located at 13 days to increase the “maximum capacity”. Up to 2,600 minors are hoping to be accommodated in these most suitable refuges for them, according to CNN, but only 500 cams are available.

The figures reveal the urgency for the Biden Administration to manage the increment of people who crossed the front line, animated by the confidence that this president will be more compassionate with those on the front, as well as promotion during the election campaign and held during its first week at the Casa Blanca. In January, in full force transition, the 78,000 migrants intercepted police on the front, the highest figure for this month in 10 years. The Mayoria eran adults or families that would devastate rapidly in virtue of the normative emergence of the pandemic. Of this total, 5,800 were not accompanied by the Governor, who had to assume his job and find a space to support him.

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