Immigrants, Africans, Republicans: ¿Qué le piden a Biden? | News Univision Elections in EUEU 2020

After four years of Donald Trump’s governing body, the United States received Joe Biden many expectant ones. The control of the pandemic and the flow to normal, one of the first. For immigrants, merchants, African Americans, campers, Puerto Ricans in Iceland and the city of pie, todos are hoping that the democrat will reflect on his realities and solve his problems.

And in the United States, too, there are more than 74 million people who vote for Trump. There is a division divided between women screened in the fraudulent complaints of the president and women the biden in Biden that thought he would swallow the day he gave the politicians to unite in the country.

“The panorama is very complicated, from a crisis deep to the economic level, as well as health and social security. It is a crisis that is obvious, but it is also clear that the problems that exist are prevalent, ahead of the covid-19 crisis, ”said Andrés Vinelli, vice president of economic policy at the Center for American Progress in Washington DC.

A crisis, he explained, that has disrupted a precarious health care system that is difficult to access and will help with the failure rate to slow down at a rapid rate compared to the previous one, which has millions of people working in one year or another since the outbreak of the pandemic.

For now, Biden has worked with the executive order firm to begin reversing some of its predecessor’s most controversial decisions. In particular, those with their ‘tolerance’ will be deported to miles of undocumented migrants on the frontier and those who, within the United States, relinquish their aid to those who have been considered essential workers.

It will not be easy to concretize from the Casa Blanca the promised promises in the campaign, Vinelli recalls. ‘Pero es posible, el presidente stands for great ambitions, both in the economic package as in the migration issue. I’m optimistic in this case, because there is a voluntary policy to make changes, ”he said.

We will talk to the people who are hoping for the migratory changes, with others who will vote for Biden in the presidency and also with whom he will support Trump. Here are some tips to help you get started:
