‘I’m so confused’: people were stunned as Kevin McCarthy read Green Eggs and Ham out of protest over compilation of Seuss books

People were left stunned when Kevin McCarthy, a leader of the House, released a five-minute video in which he of Dr Seuss Green eggs and ham, days after six of the author’s books were removed from publication.

Mr. McCarthy wrote the long video on Friday night, writing, ‘I still like Dr. Seuss, so I decided to read Green Eggs and Ham. RT if you still like him too! ”

Mr. McCarthy posted the video just days after dr. Seuss Enterprises, the company that manages Theodor Seuss Geisel’s estate, announced that six of his books, written under the name Dr Seuss, had been withdrawn from publication because of their use of “hurtful and wrong” images.

The decision to pull the books drew criticism from conservative commentators and prominent Republican politicians, as Texas Senator Ted Cruz suggested without proof that it was President Joe Biden’s fault.

The six titles drawn from publication are And to think I saw it in Mulberry Street, If I run the zoo, McElligot’s pool, On Beyond Zebra!, Stirred eggs Super!, en The Cat’s Quizzer.

But, like Green eggs and ham not affected by the decision, people were confused as to why Mr. McCarthy chose the book for his bizarre reading.

Author Helen Kennedy responded to the House’s minority leader: ‘I note that you are not reading those who, according to the Seuss estate, are too offensive to keep publishing. Why is that? “And @fyungong asked:” I’m so confused now! Lol what’s happening Nobody cancels Seuss. “

Political scientist Seth Masket wrote: “How nice! You could probably buy it in literally any bookstore in the country, ‘and author Robert VerBruggen added:’ If you read a book out of protest but do not choose one of the forbidden persons, what point do you make? ‘

Others thought that Mr. McCarthy had to focus on issues raised by the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, with The Daily Beast editor-in-chief Molly Jong-Fast responding: “Democrats succeed in Covid relief, and Republicans read dr.

While CNN Tonight On Friday, host Don Lemon Mr. McCarthy criticized, saying, “While Americans are desperate to be vaccinated and desperate for Covid relief, that’s what Kevin McCarthy is currently doing.”

Mr Lemon continued: ‘It really happened. These are your Republican leaders, ”adding that McCarthy apparently had no more urgent issues than” raising this false outrage. “

Geisel’s work has recently been re-examined over its racist undertones and tropics, and the decision to remove the books from the publication was taken after discussion ‘with a panel of experts, including educators’, the publishers announced on Tuesday.

In a statement on his decision to withdraw the six books from publication on Tuesday, dr. Seuss Enterprises said that “these books portray people in a hurtful and wrong way.”

The company added: “The cessation of sales of these books is only part of our commitment and our broader plan to ensure that Dr. Seuss Enterprises’ catalog represents and supports all communities and families.”
