I’m high! FOX channels officially change their name to STAR

Mexico City /

Geen hooi plazo que n se cumpla y es este 22 februari que FOX channels are now called STAR, the new apuesta of the The Walt Disney Company, you have one of the conditions that puso the company when acquiring a 21st Century Fox Studios.

STER llega a Latinoamérica to strengthen the offer of general entertainment programming which captivates the audiences from always, consolidating its presence in the region and inaugurating a new era in our compromise of offer the best content regional and international “, mentioned Diego LernerPresident, The Walt Disney Company Latin America in a communiqué.

STAR will continue with the legacy given by FOX, which has been consolidated into the bulk of the years, and will add important innovations. In this way, the company ratifies its compromise to add significant content to all segments and all audiences and cover the full range of audiovisual entertainment“, añadió.

Please clarify that habit programming of the canals of FOX does not modify, only the number.

  • FOX Life will be STAR Life
  • FOX Premium will be STAR Premium
  • FOX Premium Movie will be STAR Treffers
  • FOX Premium Series will be STAR series
  • FOX Premium Action will be STAR Action
  • FOX Premium comedy will be STAR comedy
  • FOX Premium Family will be STAR Pret
  • FOX Premium Cinema will be STAR Cinema
  • FOX Premium Classics will be STAR Classics
